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Driveway/Asphalt Sealers - Your opinions, review, warnings..

Black Jack Asphalt Sealer, sold at Lowes, has a lot of negative reviews.
Lowes carries similar products (Jetcoat) that are "Not Yet Rated"

Homedepot sells Latex-ite which has a lot of good reviews (on but reviews for the same product at Amazon are almost all horrible.

I've only begun to look into the others but have a sneaking suspicion that, in most cases, the product sold by a particular store will be the best one available.

What are your unbiased opinions? Of Black Jack, Jetcoat, Latex-ite, QPR, TL-2000 Asphalt Pavement Rejuvenator ..or other Asphalt Sealers, from your personal experiences, which products are the best/worst? most and/or least recommended?

I'm focusing more on how well they stand up to company claims, durability, etc.; not so much about "ease of application".

(Usually an unutilized feature, many forums include the ability to create a survey. Too bad this one does not; this would be an ideal application.)


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