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After 10 years of Retirement.

14 years ago

After a decade of retirement the biggest change in my life has been the discovery of several new interest and passions. During my working life I never had time to find a hobby. Then, after I stopped working I spent the first few years just relaxing and puttering. That gets boring after awhile.

About a year ago I finally decided writing was what I really enjoyed. I finished a travel book, and then discovered blogging. My retirement blog has been a labor of love for the past 5 months. It has been such a kick to interact with others looking for help and information on living a productive and satisfying retirement.

My suggestion: when you retire don't settle for the first hobby or interest that you try. Keep exploring until you find that one passion that motivates you to bounce out of bed every single morning.

If you'd like to see what I've been up to: http://satisfyingretirement.blogspot.com

I'd welcome your feedback and insight. I'm certainly not an expert!

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