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Would you put a counter height dining table in a small kitche?

16 years ago

We are empty nesters and are in the process of building a tiny - tiny house, 800 sq ft. The kitchen and living area are all open, 10' ceilings. The dining area is part of the kitchen and there is enought space for a dining table.

I fell in love with the May issue of House Beautiful, the Belguim styled family room/kitchen area. They show a counter height dining table that doubles as a prep area.

Because of the limited space in our bungalow I am trying to find furniture that will do 'double duty' and the idea of additional work space of a counter height dining table sounds appealing, but I'm not sure I want the only seating to be counter height chairs.

The house plans show a bar height breakfast ledge which is nice and blocks the view of dirty dishes in the sink.

So, GW decorators, would you consider a counter height dining table? I would really like a dining area that invites sitting, relating and lots of conversation and I'm just not sure about the comfort levels.

below is the link to the kitchen/family room.

Here is a link that might be useful: Belguin styled kitchen

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