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Should my husband retire at age 55?

19 years ago

My husband will be 55 next Febuary and can retire with 70% of his top 3 years of pay. He has worked for the goverment since he was 19, including armed service years. He will be able to keep his health insurance also.

He works extremely hard now, often 50 to 60 hours a week, sometimes more. He is vey tired of working, but I am worried about him getting bored when he retires. He gets bored easily.

I just work part time, and I am not sure how I feel about him being around all the time, either.

Has anyone retired so young? What do all of you do to keep busy? Does anyone work part time?

Comments (64)

  • 19 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    My husband of 49 years retired at 52 on an early out. He has been retired 19 years. He plays tennis, does volunteer work, reads, plays computer games, watches TV and keeps the yard. He loves every minute of retirement. We can go and come when we like with no strings. Dotty

  • 19 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    If you "need" something to do, checkout the local state university/college to see if they have a "60-plus" program where seniors 60 & over can take classes for a very small fee like $3 or so tuition per semester; there may be some restrictions regarding when one is allowed to register for the classes.

    I've read some time back that over 40 states have such a program. Some have completed courses for their degree, some got 2nd degrees, some went for their masters & some, like me, taking various classes just for enjoyment/enrichment. I find that I am now enyoying going to school more than when I "had to"...

    My idea was to enroll in the type of classes that I avoided long ago...."libral arts", English Lit...., etc.

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    Hayjud, if it's going to cost us $700 a month for health insurance, then we could never retire. He can keep insurance through his company when he retires, but we don't know how much that is going to cost us. If he would only get out of this manager's job, he could stay with the same company and work 32 hrs. a week, and still be full time. I think though he wants to quit this company completely and I can't blame him. He has worked there for 35 years. He works for Kroger grocery chain as a produce manager. Our son doesn't understand why a "produce manager" job is so demanding, but I try to tell him it's the lack of help that they give him that makes it so difficult. He should have never taken this manager job because of his depression and I have always regreted that he did. I think he even regrets it now. Kroger does all this great advertising about how they help people with the food drive at Xmas, etc., yet they have reduced their employees' insurance and have practically taken away the dental coverage. We only have $1,000 a year in dental coverage and that's it. He is real bitter toward Kroger, yet he kills himself to do a good job for them. I just can't understand the logic behind this and it really gets to me sometimes. I just tell myself that he is from the "old school" of the people that still care about doing a good job. We had a wonderful vacation. I just can't believe the difference in his attitude and his behavior. We had to come back home so he could be back at work on Sunday. He won't miss a Sunday because it's all overtime. He left at 3:30 and got home at 4:30. He does this every Sunday and when he gets home, he sleeps all evening and it's just like he's not even here. I think he said 20 words to me all last night and some of the words were "are my clothes ready for in the morning?" This morning, Monday, he left at 4:30 but he never had to be at a meeting until 6:00 a.m. This meeting is at another store, so he went to his store so he could work an hour before he had to be at the meeting. This really burns me up inside that he does this, esp. when they won't give a dam about him when he retires (for that matter, they don't care now how much he kills himself to do the "perfect" job). If I say anything, he gets defensive. As for the land, if we do buy land it is only going to be one acre and no more. That's one reason why we are selling this house. We had 3.5 acres and we gave one acre to our youngest son. We still have 2.5 acres and all of it is grass and has to be cut. Personally, I am hoping we find a house already built so we don't have to worry about where we're going to live while a house is being built and storing our furniture. We've already done that once when we built this house. I really enjoyed being around my DH when he was so relaxed. He is like a different person. We worked really hard around the house for 3 days, then we took 2 days off. I look forward to more days like this, just being able to see him relax more. We don't like much more having it ready. We are having a garage sale this weekend. My future DIL and son are going to help me and what doesn't sell, goes to Salvation Army. Would it be terrible if I set a date when we will put this house on the market, so we can go ahead and get it sold?
    ...See More
  • 19 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Happyladi, I'd be thrilled if my dh would take early retirement. He originally planned to do so at 50, but now says 55...ish (which could mean 60.) In the last five years, we've both developed health problems that make travel uncomfortable at best and sometimes impossible. So much for those plans we made years ago.

    If your husband has been unhappy in his work for the past two years, that's bound to have an adverse affect on his health. I'd be encouraging him to retire. Since he already has a couple of hobbies he can expand on those while he discovers how else he will fill his time. I wouldn't push him to take a part time job just yet. In fact, you might want to leave yours so that the two of you can enjoy traveling while you still have your health.
    Best wishes.

  • 19 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    Wise suggestions.

    Unlike wine ...

    ... health seldom improves as we age.

    ole joyful

  • 19 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    UAHMom, we have a son just entering 9th grade, so any extended travel is out for now. We did take a nice 16 day road trip in Californa last month with our children.

    We also have a daughter entering her second year of college. It cost us over $15,000. last year and I am sure this year will be more. I guess that around the world trip will need to wait a few years. :>)

  • 19 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Happyladi, I too work for the government and will be retiring early next year with 64% of my high three. I've decided it isn't about the money but rather its time to move onto the next chapter in my life and see what is around the bend in the road. I am looking forward to the journey. It's not where I'm going to but rather what I never have to do again, such as meeting deadlines I have no control over, doing more with less resources, putting up with the politics of an agency...of course I will miss my colleagues and the excitement of my career, but those colleagues that I have become close to will continue to be in my life and I can generate excitement in other areas such as volunteering. I will be able to experience things that I've only thought of. If I get bored, I'll voluteer at our local hospital, school, or ?. I'm healthy and that is the key for me to begin my new journey in life. I sold my hubby on it too and he is retiring too. We're excited for the journey to begin. Have hubby go for it! (BTW, if he looks at his current annuity amount he would receive with maximum years that he has, he will realize that he is working for little money. If he must continue to work for his spirit then he should retire and get another job. This will maximize his monthly income and you'll be able to get the daughter through school with much more $ in your monthly budget). Good Luck!

  • 19 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    We just closed our store,June 30th, and had a 2nd retirement party for DH. His first was in 1980 at which time he open the store. He's 79 now. I've known many retired military who put in their 20 years, got the pension and started doing work that they liked. At that point it's not the money but the enjoyment. Good Luck.

  • 19 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    My husband retired 3 years ago at age 55. The job had become stressful, and "it was time!" He had (still has) no hobbies to keep himself busy, but has had a few part time jobs - not for the money since he has a good pension - but for something to do. He misses "the guys" from work, but misses NOTHING else! I had to laugh when you said that you weren't sure you could handle him being retired! I work part time, and it was a BIG adjustment for me too. I didn't like it at first, because he was almost always home when I was home. I was used to "me" time, which I no longer had. It took me 2 1/2 years until I got used to it! Now he works for the golf superintendant at the same Country Club where I do landscaping/flowers. We are both part time. My hours are flexible, his are semi-flexible so it leaves time for us to travel, golf there for free, and basically enjoy life. He has lost weight from being more active than sitting at a desk, has more energy, and feels better. He even helps me out with some (anything is helpful) housework, and is starting to find things to do around the house to keep busy. Winters are an bit of an adjustment since neither of us work, but we travel and spend time at our second home in the mountains (needed a tax deduction) and try to catch up on inside projects at home. I say to your husband - Go for it!

  • 19 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Wish we could have retired that young, but then we did a lot of things others only dreamed of before retirement, so no regrets here.

    Please join us again at the retirement forum

  • 19 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Well, each situation is different. My husband retired at 60. I wanted him to retire at 55, but he chose not to. Due to a number of health problems he ended up having, he has had to go through quite a bit since he retired, and probably blessed to still be living. But, all is working out okay now and we are going to do some real living rather than wait (wait for what?). Now is the time. Who knows about tomorrow. We are going to enjoy ourselves as we can in case there won't be a healthy tomorrow.

  • 19 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am so glad to have found this thread. My husband is thinking about retiring too. I have my reservations about it. I've been a housewife for 30 some years and to have him underfoot is going to be interesting if nothing else! If he stays til age 56, (4 more years) he will receive pension and a good portion of his (our) health insurance will be covered. You never know if you've saved enough.

    I do not want to be one of the women who pushed hubby to work longer only to lose him too soon after the delayed retirement. That would be unbearable to live with. He would, if he had his way, retire tomorrow. The job has become stressful and his heart is not in it anymore. He was a real "company man" for years. I can't see walking away 4 years before pension and health insurance. Just doesn't make sense to me. He will be with the company about 31 years at that point. I'm just hoping he can hold out for those 4 years and not let the stress get to him. It's a rotten situation for him... but 4 years! just 4 years..... Any thoughts?

  • 19 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Linda, I have to tell you that if the situation is really stressful for him, it may start having serious physical effects. That's what happened to me. I LOVED my job and worked for the same company for a total of 25 years. But the nature of the job changed a lot, I had a lot of extra duties that interfered with doing my "real" job, plus I had a very heavy workload and was working many unpaid extra hours just to keep things going. I repeatedly asked for another staff member but was told that it wasn't in the budget. Finally, the stress started causing both physical problems and "reactive anxiety," which interfered with my ability to perform my job well. I received a lot of good advice from a counselor as well as my Kitchen Forum friends and decided to leave. Since I'm 60 years old, I'm not sure this is retirement; I may freelance at home or seek another job after I "recuperate" from the stress. Recovery is taking a long time (I'm just realizing now how badly I was wounded), and I did take a hit with regard to pension and insurance benefits, but I feel that I've got my life back.

    If your DH feels that the stress is just a normal part of the job, and it doesn't bother him too much, then, fine, he should continue to work, if he wants to. But if he feels it is injuring him physically and emotionally, he needs to get out and save his life!


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi everyone,

    This is a topic that hasn't been near the top for a while, but may be of interest to some who haven't seen it.

    ole joyful

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I don't have time to read all the responses but will say that my workaholic husband thought that he would be bored to death and nothing is further from the truth..He is loving having time to do anything and everything he wants and to take his time doing it...We have 5 acres so he is learning to do all kinds of things that once he would have paid some one to do...Retirement is just what you want it to be....

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Welp, I can relate my own experiences...

    Hubby retired in 1996, from a $60K a year white collar job, because he was 'fed up'... For the first year all he did was sleep... He'd get up, come down stairs then take a nap, get up to go potty and get something to eat then take a nap, he'd get up to eat dinner then take a nap, get up to watch a little TV then go to bed for the night... We'd get in arguments because I was doing the housework on 'HIS' time or while he was napping... He's now working for his brother-in-law, servicing semi-trucks, crawling under them getting dirty, for a whopping $10 an hour and he is more miserable now than he ever was when he was working for Fords... That is no job for a man of 63 but he refuses to quit even though money isn't a problem...

    Then there's the tale of a good friend of mine... He retired at 58, had a ball enjoying his passion for old cars and did all the other things retired people are supposed to do, enjoying his family, taking vacations and continued playing with his computers... He died at 62 of an aortic aneurysm... He left his wife well provided for but she still misses him, terribly...

    The moral of my musings... The good die young while the cranky buggers just get crankier... lol


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    Please don't go on like this - I'm getting older by the minute!

    o j

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Well there's always exceptions.... And by your name I suspect you're one of them...


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    buy a sports car, find a young blonde girl friend!

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    bill h,

    That's a sure recipe not only to start "feeling" old fast ...

    ... but to actually *get* there!

    ole joyful

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Bill H,

    I've been drawing a picture in my mind of Rita passing on your message to her dear as-yet-unretired-husband!

    Doesn't seem to quite come into focus, somehow.

    o j

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am the orginal poster and my husband did retire this past April.

    It has been different with him around more. I kind of wish he would leave for a day every week so I can have some time all to myself. He likes to play music a lot and while I like some music but I also enjoy quiet or watching a show. I used to Tivo shows he didn't like and watch them during the day, but now he is here and he likes to criticize what I watch.

    He has two days a week while I work all to himself(well, the kids are home from school now) but I feel the lack.

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Happyladi: My husband will be 55 in 2 years, and will retire from the government with 70% of his high 3 as well. We are working on our retirement budget, which has to cover 2 houses and their taxes/operating costs (we count our blessings all the time that we could swing 2 houses). Our mortgage will be paid off by then. I plan to work 2 years after him (I will then be 55, and can take my 401K without penalty). We should be ok financially, but I think he's going to be bored to death. I'm more of a homebody; he likes to be doing stuff all the time. I'm sure we'll figure it all out, but right now it's scary.

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am retiring in two weeks. Just turned 50 years old, good health. My dad told me to start working towards retirement while you are young,put something aside every payday, set a goal. Didn't give much thought to the idea, what do parents know... lol
    Well after 25 years working in local government, and putting aside a little something,I can say Dad was right.
    Many friends have said when you retire, you will be so busy,you will be suprised how you found time to go to work.
    Looking forward to it.

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    most likely depends on how much he likes working, and if he has hobbies. me i hate working, and i can spend hours doing nothing. so for me 55 is it, i`am done.

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    Tell the old fart to get lost for a couple of days a week - the house is just as much yours as his.

    Or - at least, stay out of your hair.

    Threaten that if he doesn't ...

    ... you'll follow him around b!tching about everything that he does.

    Or, maybe, just do it, without the warning, and when he complains, ask him how he likes some of his own medicine?

    ole joyful

    P.S. I got censored, "illegal string of characters ...", until I amended one offending word.

    Now, I ask you - have you ever found me to be nasty to a string of characters such as are found here, whether or not they were illegal???

    I do sometimes offer a gentle, somewhat whimsical reproof to characters like those that come around here spamming ... or businessing.

    o j

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm bumping this one up, it still has quite a bit of good info. Happyladi, has he found something to do for a day or two a week?


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi jerrielliay,

    I think that Happyladi may have locked herself in her room and is tearing her hair out.

    Too bad she hadn't thought to take the computer in there with her.

    When I worked as a personal financial advisor, I used to tell folks that if they gave me 10% of their income (i.e. invested it wisely) they'd be able to retire early.

    It is difficult when folks who've been frustrated/bored/fed up with work, retire, whether early or not, ...

    ... then, soon after retirement become bored out of their skull, because they haven't developed lifestyle and interest plans, hobbies, volunteer concerns, etc.

    Too bad they haven't prepared beforehand, so that they, too, could say that they've never been so busy - but doing things that they love doing.

    And activities and interests that they've chosen, at times that they choose, with people with whom they enjoy spending time, etc.

    Good wishes for a fine New Year, everyone - whether or not you're yet retired!

    ole joyful

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    How are things going?

    I wish I had one of those old geezers around for bit. It might be nice to have someone tall to reach up to those tall shelves etc and keep me warm on cold nights. Be grateful you have one around to be company for you. A lot of women don't have that luxury.

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Here's three true examples of retirement or non-retirement:

    My dad was forced into retirement at 62 by downsizing at his company after a merger. He died suddenly two months later, without having even collected his first pension check.

    My first husband and I put off a lot of things to raise our kids and struggled day-to-day. We both worked fulltime, but promised each other we'd travel and enjoy each other when he retired. He contracted lung cancer at 56 and died six months later. I vowed "Carpe Diem" from that point on - never to put off until tomorrow what I could do today, because we can never know what the future holds.

    My new husband (of six years) was able to retire with 100% of his base pay at 58. We did a great deal of traveling the first couple of years, but health problems (for both of us) began appearing very soon. Because of high medical bills, very little savings, and my inability to continue working (for health reasons) we declared bankruptcy two years ago. He decided to take early SS, at 62, which helps but if he could have waited it would have been a lot more.

    Now he has been diagnosed with illness that will make it almost impossible to travel the way we hoped to, and we will have to sell our home and move to a different climate.

    Life doesn't give you a roadmap, or any foreknowledge of what is to come. I still believe one must "seize the day" and if you are able to retire with good healthcare and adequate income - do it! Believe me, your career is not YOU - and it will survive without you!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thought I'd bump this up.

    I see I last posted here in 2006. My husband will be 55 next month, and will be eligible for retirement (he works for the Federal government).

    He's been trying to get a good estimate of what his pension will be. He's gone on a few Federal websites, and they give him differing amounts.

    We are fortunate to have two houses with no mortgages. We hope that the budget we worked up will carry us through.

    The other issue is that he gets bored very easily.

    Any of you early retirees out there - how have you adjusted?

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi cheerful one ... that could be more cheerfuler with a more congenial husband,

    Tell the old bugger that one can make a lot nicer music with four or five strings on his violin than if he has just one!

    God gave him a good brain ... and a body that is capable of varied projects ... plus a spirit that atrophies when unused.

    Tell him to make much fuller use of all three of them!

    ole joyful

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    It takes a measure of sensitivity and perceptiveness to be aware of another's need for some space, and to stay out of the way while they're feeling that way.

    And even more to develop awareness of when it might be fruitful to try to jolly them out of their funk.

    Good wishes for a wonderful, rewarding retirement, everyone.

    An optimistic spirit helps keep down the need for one's doctor's ministrations (and swallowing all of those pills), I think.

    ole joyful

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I retired a year ago november 1st and the only one thing that I might suggest is that you have EVERYTHING paid off, you'll have your normal bills to pay but the key is to owe no one nothing. all of your nest-eggs are yours to do with as you wish

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    raise din 99,

    Now nearing 80 and thankful to be enjoying good health ... I hope that, with a bit of luck, I may be able to raise a bit of Cain/din at 99.

    I'm not quite sure about the "no debt" deal to which you refer.

    I refuse to go into debt for consumer items.

    However, I have about 80% of my asset in equities.

    Nearly a couple of years ago Canada's largest telco, whose shares I've owned for a while, made a deal to be taken private, at a premium price to current shareholders.

    It was a huge deal, backed by several international banks ... and set up just before the U.S. financial debacle ... so the deal has been on and off for some time.

    Now ... their auditors have told them that the debt would be too heavy for them to bear ... so the deal is off: stock price dropped about 30%.

    With the current deep drop in the stock markets, I've been buying several times in the past two or three years, using most of my available cash and had counted on the cash from the telco deal to finance some more purchases as the market stays down.

    Now, I'm looking up some share certificates that I have, and asking for certificates of some mutual funds that I own to be issued, to use as collateral for purchasing more stocks spread in several purchases over the bottoming of the market.

    In earlier recoveries, often 25 - 30 per cent per year was attained for the first couple of years, but I think that the U.S. financial crunch these days may cause the recovery to be delayed and less of a surge when it begins, this time.

    I can borrow for 4.25% on a fully-secured loan, and investment loan interest is deductible, taking me down to about 2.75%, I can earn about 3% ordinarily on quality stock, to produce about 2.5% after-tax return, which brings the cost down to about 0.5%, and inflation is officially about 2.5%, these days (though my visits to the store lead me to doubt that) ... so I'm making money on my loan.

    Especially since a bank share that I own could have been sold for $107. in May '07 ... and now has dropped to around $50.00. Two years ago they increased the dividend to $3.48 annual rate ... at just under $50. stock price, that pays me just over 7.5% ... and it's taxed at low rate.

    So, you see, I'm about to do some borrowing ... I think.

    Some companies here are getting a tax break for paying most of their earnings out to shareholders and several have been paying up around 12 - 15% ... some up around 20% ... though some of them may be about to cut the distribution rate, due to lowered profit rates.

    Looks as though, having bought some of them, I'd better have their shares issued and use them as collateral for an increase in that investment loan!

    Good wishes for wise and enjoyable use of your precious life ... and assets.

    ole joyful

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    The rate on a fully secured Line of Credit that I mentioned above of being 4.25%, which was at the Prime rate, then, I think ...

    ... but it has changed!

    With recent drop in Prime rate by the central bank, the Prime that the bank quotes now is 3.5% ... and they were willing to lend to me at Prime, earlier ... but that was then.

    Now ... the rate that they offer is current Prime ... plus 1.5% ... so they'll charge me 5.0%, if and when I choose to use the LoC.

    Good wishes for the coming holiday season, everyone.

    ole joyful

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    ole joyful - I also have a LOC that we have had for years. The balance has been $0 since 2003 but we have kept it open just in case. I did secure it to the house to have a lower interest rate, but balance is still $0. Yesterday my GIC came due so when at bank I asked if there were any plans to close out LOCs willy nilly just in case people started using them to pay for ordinary bills in these uncertain times. I was told that this would not happen - AND - that if I were to borrow I would only have to pay the prime rate - as a long time holder of the LOC - but that a new customer would have to play the prime plus 1.5% - guess we are grandfathered. I did renew my GIC at 3.75% - one of those special deals - 2 years, redeemable, with a sliding rate of interest should I have to pull funds out for emergency purposes. Since one never knows, I did not intend to re-invest for 2 years - but earning 3.75% and currently having the option to borrow against LOC at same rate would make things a little easier if need be.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Has anyone retired while still having children in school?

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yes I'm 66 years old and still having children

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi, I'm the orginal poster. I was surprised to see this thread is still around. My husband hasn't gotten a paying job but he does help a friend who has a business remodeling company. He works with him about 4 times a month but he doesn't get paid. Seems odd to me but my husband doesn't seem bothered by it.

    He also drives this friends parents around as they no longer can drive. He takes them to the doctor, hairdresser, and grocery store.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I haven't owned? held? a GIC in years: I don't like earning interest.

    A GIC is a contract that says that I've loaned a given amount of money to a specified agency and that they guarantee to pay it back in full at the end of the agreed time, plus pay rent at a specified rate during the agreed time. There's another guarantee that they never mention: apart from the rent on the money, they won't pay one dollar more than the agreed amount of the loan, either.

    However - there's a little mouse that slips into their establishment and chews a small corner off of each of those dollars, every year. Called "Inflation".

    Oh, right - hardly any of those dollars are there ... the ones that are there are not working for them! But, wherever your dollars may be - that mouse chews a corner off of each, every year that they're a "guaranteed dollar".

    They rented most of them out to others (and about eight -ten times as many, besides) and they figure to make more on your money than you do ... or they rejig the offers until they do.

    Since the number of my (invested/loaned) dollars can't grow (apart from the rental fee), the only return that that asset will ever produce is done now ...

    ... it's called "interest" ...

    ... and it's taxed now ...

    ...and taxed at the highest rate!

    I would have been wise to have shifted most of my equity-based assets into a security based on a guaranteed number of dollars, six months ago. They've shrink about a third in value, since then.

    But - how does one decide when to make the shift?

    And - when to shift back?

    Skilled manager such as Sir John Templeton say that one can't time the market ... so they stay fully invested, all of the time.

    If I shift, there's substantial tax to pay on part of the capital gain ... plus fees to sell the equity and to buy them back.

    When I own Canadian stocks, some of them pay a dividend, which until 2005 was taxed at a much lower than regular rate: much lower than the rate on interest.

    In 2006 and after, a change in the method of calculation has resulted in a further substantial reduction on the rate of tax payable on dividends.

    And when the price of my stocks increase, I incur no tax liability on that increase as long as I continue to hold them (unless I die). When I sell them, or die, the increase in value incurs income tax - but only at half of the regular rate.

    I grew up on a farm - so uncertain income ... and seasonal income ... and concerns about how to manage capital are not as fear-inspiring in me as in most city folks, used to regular paycheques (and usually spending most of them as they arrive), such that if they miss about two, they are screaming bloody murder.

    I prefer a great deal more flexibility than that.

    And I want a cushion: chewing fingernails (or paying high credit card fees) in case an emergency turns up while I have next to nil funds available has no appeal to me whatever!!!

    Further - I want to run my own money. I want to manage the money ... rather than have it (or its lack) pretty well manage me!

    ole joyful

    P.S. A young guy writing in our financial magazine told how he retired at 34 ...

    ... then wrote a book,"STOP Working - Here's How YOU Can".

    I wouldn't want to be fathering at 66 ...

    ... requiring coping with teen-agers at 80??

    Not my idea of a dream vocation!

    I'd probably want to die ... in self-defence!

    o j

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    If your husband gets bored, he can stop by my house and I can make hot passionate love to him - he would absolutely forget all his boredom because I will make him feel like a real man.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I retired at age 55 and enjoyed a year of 'retirement' but decided to venture out to do several other things after that period. That year provided my wife and I some time to get reacquainted and enjoy some distant time together.

    Following that first year I felt that I needed to spend time in projects that I enjoyed. It wasn't long after that that I found myself back to work full-time in a couple other endeavors. Now that I am 63 years of age I retired again and this time working on projects that I truly love involving social activities. Retirement is an evolving process. Even though your husband may route retire at 55 it is very likely that you will find other things to do that will be more fulfilling than the job that he's doing now.

    This is a good time of life for both of you so take advantage of what it has to offer. Best of luck in whatever you choose to do.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Active Empty Nesters

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Mine is planning retirement at 54 with a $ penalty. I am worried sick ... I am 5 years old than him and really don't feel I am healthy enough to go back to work.
    I worry about him being home all the time ... he has no hobbies, he just sits, watches tv or plays games on computer ... I worry his retirment will kill me !

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Well, Lady ... are you still happi?

    One person a while ago was worried about retiring, though she thought that she could afford to, worried that she'd be bored to death.

    I asked her what it was about freedom that she found disconcerting??

    ole joyful

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Looks like I last posted in 2008.

    My husband retired last August. He turned 58 this past November. His full annuity just kicked in.

    He's still adjusting. The opportunity to adopt a German Shepherd from a family member presented itself right after he retired. He is the best dog you'd ever want. It's given my husband a purpose, but he feels there's still something missing.

  • 12 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Following up to my last post. I'm still working. Husband isn't adjusting as well as I thought he would. The only reason I'm still working is to save more money. The job isn't what it used to be. No raises or bonuses for the last 4 years. One co-worker just got laid off. I thought I could wait a while, but I'm getting in a bad frame of mind.

    No matter how much we have in the bank, it will never be enough. If I think that way, I'll never stop working and that's not a good thing.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Several dishes of food for thought, here, I think.

    Quite a few ideas were bounced around.

    Some time ago, when one person wondered about her husband retiring some early, largely because of increased stress at work, one of her concerns was that he had few interests.

    I suggested that he dig up some new interests, in that "any legit violin has more than one string".

    Another poster called attention to that by quoting it, and said that /she planned to use it ... to which I replied that s/he was welcome to it, and I hoped that s/he might find it useful.

    ole joyfuelled

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    "Any legit. violin ...

    ... has more'n one string"!

    ole joyfuelled

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    C'mon, this discussion was essentially done two years ago and more. Instead of bumping these old threads, why not let them rest in peace? You keep commenting on your own comments.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Well iam 56 now,swore I was going at 55 even bought a home in a 55 and over community in fla. Hate the job hate the cold weather here, my wife can't wait to move south and I just can't seem to pull the trigger on retirement.???not the money got more than enough, got decent medical ???

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