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How many accent tiles do I need for a backsplash?

12 years ago

I found some lovely floral accent tiles, for a kitchen backsplash. They come in 4" or 6" and I'm wondering how many would I need for a 3' or 5' backsplash area? I'd like to have at least 2 or 3 in each area (there are 6 total) and then use all 6 over the range. Maybe with a white/cream tile in between?

Here are the tiles...
{{!gwi}}From Lavender Lass farmhouse pictures
{{!gwi}}From Lavender Lass farmhouse pictures
{{!gwi}}From Lavender Lass farmhouse pictures

I want to combine 2 from each set to make a unique I've contacted the artist and waiting to hear back. I like the lilac and pansy, the rose and blue flower (not sure if it's blue bells or something else) and the daisy and yellow daisy/coreopsis.

Also...if you have any countertop ideas, please let me know. I want to keep it country/cottage, so I'm thinking butcher block or maybe more tile. I also have room for an island/work table that could be wood or painted...maybe with a butcher block or marble top?

Thanks in advance :)

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