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How I spent Memorial Day eve....

11 years ago

Yesterday I was fixing my lunch when something on the sliding screen door to the patio caught my eye. I'm a little near-sighted, so I couldn't see what, exactly until I moved a little closer...and IT moved...

It was a big ol' UGLY lizard. Not a poisonous one, I'm pretty sure, but WAY bigger than the little 3 or 4-inch long geckos that live around here. Dam' thing had to be almost a foot long (including tail) and as big around as a Polish sausage. We've been seeing them in the neighborhood, but DH says don't worry, they'll never come in our yard, we have dogs. Yeah. Right.

I said to myself, okay, as long as it's outside, I can deal with this... BUT IT WAS INSIDE!!!!

I'm not exactly afraid of lizards, but anything that jumps (and they do!) spooks me. I was sure it was going to jump off the door and disappear into the bedroom, where we'd never find it until I woke up some night and found it cuddled up next to me to keep warm. (It's been cool at night here recently.) I couldn't get past it to close the bedroom door because every time I moved, It moved.

I almost never call my husband at work, but this was as good a reason as I needed. I told him, "You gotta come home! You gotta come home! One o' those BIG lizzards we've been seeing is IN THE HOUSE!"

He works a five-minute drive away, but I kid you not, those were the longest 5 minutes I've spent in a good many years. He comes in, puts on leather gloves in case it bites, just saunters up to it and grabs it!

THEN he stands there talking to it like it was a house pet.

I'm yelling "Take it out! Take it out!" I was sure it was going to just wriggle out of his hands. But it didn't. He took it out to the arroyo behind our house and turned it loose.

Lord! I had the heebee-geebees for hours. So I'm hoping nothing quite so...exciting happens again for a while.

Remember those Taco Bell commercials a few years ago that had the little talking Chihuahua? They made some promotional toys that said different things. I have the one that says "Here lizard, lizard" (from the commercial where he's using a taco as bait in a box-trap and a big ol' dinosaur appears. Then he says, "Uh-oh, I think I need a bigger box...") It used to be my favorite toy. I'm going to give it away.



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