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Favorite Lamps! I love lamps, how about you?

15 years ago

Bought another lamp this week for the LR.

My DH says, I have a thing for lamps.

I have (no kidding)about 7 or 8 in the basement in reserve,

so that I can change them around.

Besides lamps I love chairs and throw pillows...

The recent thread on the matching lamps got me thinking did we ever do

a favorite lamp thread?

How about posting pic's of your favoite lamps here.

Come-on lets see those lamps! Joann

Comments (39)

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yes, we have had a favorite lamp thread - several months ago, I think.

    My favorite is the crystal lamp I inherited from my mother followed by this new crystal lamp I bought a few years ago.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I love lamps too, and have also been known to have several not in use stored in a closet. Vintage lamps have had great appeal to me, but right now, I'm not using a single vintage lamp. In Fact, except for a couple from JCPenney I bought as my first ever brand new lamps, and one floor lamp I got 20 yrs ago from Spiegel, all my lamps are from HomeGoods. That store has the best lamps at killer prices. Here is my current favorite. I find that I like a very modern lamp with antiques/traditional furnishings.



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    What do you think about these lamps for my foyer


    Comments (31)
    Well, there ya go! Get what makes you smile, and if it reminds you of your dear grandma's house, then you'll smile in your heart whenever you see it. I know a lot of people talk about focal points and competing, but I like pretty wherever I look. If you like Victorian decor, here's a link for more breathtaking lampshades, just for fun. I like the look of two tall candlestick lamps on a table. Asymmetry is more modern; Victorian decor used a lot of symmetry. But there are no hard and fast rules. Thanks for letting me know you are enjoying the Gallery! I get a lot of my questions answered by looking in those threads... questions like how to decorate a table, for instance. And you're very gracious and very welcome. I don't generally think of myself as one of the best helpers here by any means, so it's nice to know I actually did help. Here is a link that might be useful: More Victorian lampshades
    ...See More

    Lamp Post - I'm about to give up looking


    Comments (8)
    Hi Squirrelheaven. Did you see what I've done so far to my house? I didn't put shutters on the bay, I painted the door a deeper red and painted the front shutters black and replaced the white light fixtures to black. I was a ittle nervous but thought I could always change if I didn't like it but I'm happy with the small changes. I'm not sure about window boxes right now but maybe later. I'd definitely have to trim the hedges if I did but it was a great idea. I may just print out that picture of the lamp post and take it to a carpenter and see how much they might charge. I got to looking and it cost extra for light fixture and then you have to pay for the plaque and then for someone to install it all and it could end up costing close to $1,000. lol Thanks for the idea. Here's my house as it is now:
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    a remote for my lamp - do you have a favorite gizmo or gadget?


    Comments (20)
    Wantto, yes, I knew about the LST being returned to the US from across the Atlantic. The elderly crew came into the boat supply store where I was working at the time. And they were a chipper bunch of old guys, and I was so pleased to meet them. After WW2, the company that my dad worked for used some of the WW2 large landing craft to load highway vans on, and then ply between Apalachicola FL (eastern end of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway) all the way to Brownsville TX or Port Isabel TX, which was the western terminus for the ICW. This was the beginning of the "container freight" concept. The company was bought out by Federal Barge Lines, and then by one of the big cargo companies like PanAtlantic Steamship, and then the rest is history. Steph, would you define SCOOCHED? Interesting term. :) In one episode of HOLMES ON HOMES where they redid a kitchen for a handicapped woman, they put some kind of hardware in the upper cabinets which would come down to counter height so she could reach them from a wheel chair. I think REV-A-SHELF makes such a mechanism. I would think that in a kitchen with really really high ceilings this would be a good thing, even for a person who was not disabled, but just vertically challenged. :)
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    Bedside lamp(s) when you only have one nightstand?


    Comments (6)
    amieekim, I would love an overhead light. However, it would be very costly and a lot of work to put in since they would have to drill through joists to run wiring (not to mention all the holes in then ceiling!). I already checked for the living room (wanted a ceiling fan/light). That's why I was thinking of the upward light that worked off the remote. I could either keep the remote on the nightstand or mount it on the wall by the light switch and not have to walk over to turn it on/off. I might be putting a chair by it and get one that also had a reading light attached.
    ...See More
  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    And this one with the black shade is my newest HG purchase. The old nightstand from my son's room is next to DH recliner. I keep thinking I will buy a cool end table, but this is so doggone functional, if not quite........hmmmmm..........lovely!


    Here is a link that might be useful: {{gwi:1697657}}

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Red, do you remember how much you paid for the glass ball lamp with the black shade?

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Lamps are one of my favorite things. 99% of mine are vintage finds from CL and eBay. I also have several in the cellar that I swap out.

    This is probably the best buy. $9.99 Buy It Now from eBay, advertised as a 'horse lamp from a Disney prop studio'. It's actually a lion, and I'm a Leo, so bought it. It arrived, and I quickly discovered that it's heavy solid brass, even the black part. While checking it out,I noted the white tag on the inline switch, which said "Fine Art Lamps, Hialeah, FL".

    I took it to a local lighting store to buy a black shade for it, and they told me it would have sold for $275 when it was made years ago!

    This is an eBay lamp that I won for $29.99, and a few weeks later a similar one was listed for $330.00. Mine is better looking!

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Can we extend this to lighting, in general? I feel as though I'm a lighting nerd...I love to look at all kinds of lighting.


    (I think I took these pictures too high...the shades look like hats on the lamps from this angle)

    (the shade was more expensive than the lamp!!!)

    Dining room light fixture:

    I made candle sleeves for my bathroom light fixture after seeing them being sold for $20+ per pair online

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yikes, my three dogs, those are beautiful. I have a few antique lamps down the basement. One is porceline with hand painted flowers. I'm thinking of updating it and bringing it on up for a change.
    This lamp is from my family room. I bought it in 1972, it was hand painted imported from Italy. The flowers are painted on both sides...It was a small fortune, I love it still... that's why it's still around. (37 years later, I would never spend a lot of money for a lamp again, since discovering home goods.)

    The three new lamps I have in my living room don't equal what this one cost...
    Red, you're right all my recent lamps are from Home Goods, killer prices, it's heaven for lamp obsessed women!
    It had a gorgeous accordian light brown pleated shade, sadly, the shade didn't last through the test of time.
    I'll be back with the new one as soon as I get my photos sized.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I have two favorites. One is antique and one is new.
    My grandpa (whom I never knew) won this for my grandma at the fair when they were dating. My uncle had it converted to electric for my grandma before she died.

    This one I just had to have!

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    jeannine, How did you make the candle sleeve? I have a small lamp that needs a sleeve. I painted the lamp and when I removed the sleeve I broke it. Please tell me how to make it.
    All of these are from the living room...This is three out of five lamps in this room...none match. All the tables (4) in this room don't match as well.
    This is the new lamp I bought this week. It was brown, I bronzed it with gold paint... I'll do another coat tomorrow. It's from Home Goods. The shade is a lovely tan color. The table is a 100+ year old antique side table.

    Another Home Goods lamp...This one is several months old.
    It was green, I painted it bronze, and put the fringe on the shade. The table my Dad gave me, I think the small lamp complements the small table. The shade is so pretty, it has swirly designs with sequins.

    Another Home Goods treasure, I found this one and immediately knew it would look good on the antique table.
    This is my favorite lamp.

    I have one more table in the room, on the other end of the sofa. If I get to change the lamp tomorrow with the antique lamp, I post it. I also have 4 different lamps that go on top of the piano...I'm hopeless.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I must be bored today because I just went around and took photos of almost all my lamps. They are not all real favorites, but each has a place in my home.

    The very first lamp that DH and I bought soon after our marriage. We had it made out of an urn, at a local lamp shop. The current shade was bought at a later time. This is one of the most expensive lamps we have.

    This lamp was once in my daughters nursery. It was cream colored and had a pink rose patterned shade. I painted it a textured bronze with the same spray paint as I painted my daughters iron bed. The shade is from Target and matched the burgundy in her new comforter and decorative feather pillow, also purchased at Target.

    My other daughters/guest room lamp. I just liked the look of the palm and it blends with the decor. I like the fact that it is tall and sheds good light when reading in bed. Also has two settings.

    Half bath lamp purchased at Decorator's Warehouse for a song! When I brought it home, my DH said it was the tackiest thing he had ever seen. He's not a fringe guy.

    The foyer lamp IS the most expensive lamp we own. My realtor gave us a gift certificate to a fancy designer house. The certificate was for $150, so DH and I thought we would be able to find something really nice for that price. Not so! We finally settled on this lamp (that we loved) and had to double the pot to take it home!

    This was also one of the first lamps we ever bought. It is solid brass. With this new house and the location, the previous beige shade didn't look right, so I found this red shade at Target. Adds warmth to the stair landing.

    Just a cheapo that we have in the upstairs family room. I have always loved the black shade. And, as you can see, I like to add tassels to some of my lamps.

    I made the following lamp out of an old Ball jar that was found in a great aunts basement. You cannot tell by the photo, but the jar is quite large. The emblem is also on the front of the lamp. The lamp was used in my sons nursery and in his other bedrooms. I have wooden beads inside that have never been changed.

    Of course, y'all have all seen my $5 estate sale lamp. I keep the electric dog color on it, when not in use.

    The last lamp! LOL Can you believe that I purchased this at Fred's? I loved the shape of the shade.

    OK, these last two are not lamps...YET! I borrowed some shades from elsewhere in the house to demonstrate how great these would look as lamps. :)

    We inherited two of these stick figures (plus a cat) from my brother-in-law. I would love to turn them into lamps.

    And lastly, what would bring new meaning to my naked lady statue? A light that would accentuate her curves. hehehe

    Thanks for letting me share. :)

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    newhomebuilder, thanks for mentioning the tassels. I have a tassel on the swing arm attached to my door headboard. And I had posted pics of my 30 plus year old brass lamps last week asking others if I should paint them copper or leave them as is. Well, I left them the antique brass which I had painted over the shiny brass they used to be. I had two tasseled black curtain tiebacks laying around and after seeing your tasseled lamps I tied them around the brass lamps. New look and I really like it!!

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    You have some beautiful lamps, Allison and I especially like your dog and cat lamps.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Ellen, I just bought it a month+ ago It was $69.99. I had been hoping for the mate to the one with the beige/gold shade and finally saw IT in HG in October. But October was probably the worst month the Red/Household has had in years. Even though my dream lamp was $79, it was $79 I did not have. Anyway, the black-shaded one is adorable and even though it has silver base instead of gold, it works well.

    Jeannine, your black-shaded lamp is lovely, as well as that DR chandelier within a shade. I love that!


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Such great lamps = fun thread!

    I have these funky green shaded lamps in my bedroom and really love the punch of color. They are more vibrant IRL...

    Then I have these wooden lamps in my DR that are my all time faveorite. I had this 50's family DR set that had to be used and had no clue how to decorate around it- found these unusual lamps and voila...
    sorry the pic is so big- NO clue why!

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Those are some beautiful lamps, ladies. All of them have their own personalities and charm.

    Here are mine. I confess that I went around snapping pics this AM. Since our house is modest in size I don't get to use them all at once, so I rotate them as the mood strikes.

    Mr. Chicken in the kitchen...a gift from hubby

    Acorn and oak leaf from Crafts at Rhinebeck by a metalsmith named Lance Cloutier...

    New reading floor lamp to go with our sectional...

    And the four below were my mom's, some with their original shades. All are beloved to me...

    Enjoy the day and savor the chaos!

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Loved seeing ALL your lamps!!! I must have missed the last thread...

    DH made my torchier, in the entryway...the glass shade is a leftover fan light kit..{{gwi:1651393}}

    DH made the metal base for this pair of lamps. So now it sits up higher it's better for reading. The finial is carved jasper..

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Such purty purty lamps!!

    I love lamps!! I never use overhead lighting & every now and then (like whenever DH sees the electric bill) he will say something about me keeping my lamps on all the time BUT I don't care!! I love waking up in the middle of the night and having not having to fumble around and I want my child to be able to see also and NO I will not use those awful green things that plug into the wall!!

    Enough of my rant:)

    Here is something I am working on. I got the bottle awhile ago to put my wine corks in - should have bought 2 - then thought what a cool lamp it would be - found an old skeleton key & tied it around the neck. Now have to get a lamp converter. And , wow I am so not making real sentences. Need more coffee.

    Ignore the mess!!

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I love all these lamps. Glad to see so many Lamp Obsessed
    I took this one up from the archives this morning. Washed it off, and put my old shade on it.
    The flowers are hand painted and even the back has a flower
    bud. I accessorized it with an antique flower vase an antique ring holder and rare books. (DH's great Grandfather was a book binder) So I thought since I put up an antique lamp up, why not the other stuff too! Since I am somewhat accessory challenged, please comment on the
    accessories on this table. All the antiques are from my DH's family. I always loves the ring holder, and keep it in a curio. Actually, with seven grand kids it may go back in the curio.


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Here is my favorite lamp. It is a cactus lamp and was made by my grandfather on his working ranch in Utah. It is so unique and strange -- I just love it.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi . . . my name is Lynn and I am a lamp-oholic. My family and friends have known this for years. I LOVE lamps . . . I do, and I'm proud of it! Here are a few of my very favs.

    This is from France. It's not old, but it is handpainted and it sits on my bedside table.

    This one was a gift from my sweet DH. It's not old, but I adore it!

    This one is old. It's a Capodimonte from Italy and I inherited it. It sits on my dresser in our bedroom.
    This is my latest find, a brass floor lamp from the Thirties or Forties. This one is in our family room.

    And this is probably my very favorite of all. I had it made from an old chalkware santo of St. Roc, the patron saint of physicians. It was a birthday gift for my DH, who is a family practice doc. BUT, he was raised a Baptist and was NOT impressed with "some saint showing his leg!". Sooooo I took back my lamp gift, bought DH a new putter and kept this lamp for my own! I keep him in our family room. DH tolerates him, but he's my fav.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Ya'll have some pretty lamps indeed. Jennie may I ask where you got your DR chandy? And a more personal question, was it expensive?


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    What a fabulous thread! I too am a lamp freak. I am loving everybody's lamps, and I like the antique ones best, but Mrsmarv, I do love your chicken lamp. Lynn, I've always wanted a bridge lamp. There are too many wonderful ones here to mention by namd.

    Joann, OT but can you please tell me about your fabulous pillow with the Asian lady playing the flute? I'd love to see a closeup on that. If you made it, how did you do it? You have such a flair!

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Are you the type of person that falls in love with the most scraggly, lopsided Christmas tree on the lot? I am! Fell for this lamp in the very same way. He was pushed into a neglected corner at Home Goods, dented, rust stained, dusty shade. The price wasn't even that great but I had to give him a good home! Washed the shade in the bathtub, bleached out the stains and then totally rearranged my away-at-college son's bedroom to give the little guy a good home. Yes, the orange fabric band on the shade is crooked - just makes him all the more endearing to me :)

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Aww, Linda, the Christmas Charlie Brown was one of my favorites growing up. The lamp is great - the design and color. Looks great. :)

    Great lamps, everyone.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oceana, I make most of my pillows. As I said in the first post, I Love Lamps, Chairs, and Pillows.
    I won two pieces of tapesty on Ebay, this one is a Spanish Dancer (that is a Rose in her mouth) It's about 6 x 8 inches. I made the pillow all around her ~ :) ~

    This one was 2" x 6" and was perfect for our antique piano stool, as I needed a small pillow. Again I made the pillow
    around the tapestry.

    I also have three other tapestry pillows from ebay that I love...a great place to find pillows for a Pillow Junkie
    like me. I also move pillows around frequently...sometimes this pillow travels to the chair in the Family room in front of my Beagle pillow-- other Ebay treasure

    The tapestry pillow on the hearth is also Ebay...

    The pillow on the hearth cost twice as much as the chair...
    the chair was a good will find!

    Hey, anyone else Pillow Junkies out there? Please post them here as well...Something tells me Lamp Obsessed people are Pillow Obsessed as well ~~~~

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I love everyone's lamps!!

    Yes I discovered I have a love for lamps! I have to refrain now from buying anymore because I'll drive myself nuts switching them out.

    You all have seen mine but here they are anyway.
    I'm not happy with the shade on this one but it has to stay for now. Got impatient that I couldn't find one and thought it was a good idea to order online. . .
    I think this is my favorite.

    I need to get that semicrome? stuff to clean them up better.

    I made these shades into "lamps". (Candle and holder)
    These are shoved in the attic because I have no place for them. I have two of each.

    I have a very frilly look Tiffany lamp shade I couldn't find last night to take a pic. Plan on using that in my little girls room. (Crossing my fingers we have girls!)

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Ok, more lamps...we have 5 antique gas lights...4 of them are a matching set, 4 of them swivel back and forth and one is different as it is stationary.
    We have two between the LR and DR...two flanking the stained glass window in the DR, and the single one (that doesn't swivel) we just put that one up recently over my chair in the family room.
    All are all now electrified. I use to keep chandelier (15w) bulbs in them, but hubby went around and put the curly bulbs (about 40 w)that just use 9 watts of electricity.
    (You know how men are!)
    I love these lights, these are the ones between the LR and DR. The glass globes are the original opalescent glass.

    Close-up The key on the bottom, turns on the gas. All our antiques are from my DH's family, belonging to his parents and grandparents.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    All of these lamps are gorgeous...I love lamps, but I married DH's lamps and they are just ordinary :^( but he is a good guy, so I will tolerate his lamps :^) I can live vicariously through all of you!
    Joann, regarding the curly bulbs. Do the ones that you use have a pretty colored light, or are they that white glarey color? I can't imagine them not being pretty in your lovely home!! Thanks for any information!

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Jaybird...The ones in the regular lamps do have a white glarey color (I am use to them now) However, the curly bulbs in the five gas lights are warm. I don't know why, maybe it's because it's reflecting thru glass?

    The bulb in the family room over my chair, has a brighter bulb in it, so that I can see to crotchet or read at night.
    I think it's a 60w that uses 15W of electricity.

    Here is the den gas light (the 60w one) over my chair. It is different from the other four gas lights that we have, as it is stationary. The glass globe is original to the lamp. ...the reason you see two lights in this shot is because to the left of the window is a mirror. The stained glass window is outside in case you're confused.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thank you Ma'am....I will go and check them out at Lowes. I appreciate your time to help me out, and I stay confused, so don't feel bad :^)

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Joann -- oh! A Spanish dancer! Thanks for the closeup and for showing the other pillows too. Love them! What's with the one with the pink roses on it?

    Now I want to run off to eBay and look for needlepoint. I'm always finding the ones that are only half done, though. You did GOOD and I love your flair with the trim. I'm assuming that on the Spanish dancer pillow you just stitched the needlepoint right on top of the velvet, and then trimmed it? How do you attach the cord trim? Do all your pillow covers have flaps in the back so they slip off for laundering?

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    oceanna, The rose one is a bolster pillow I purchased in a speciality store. It travels all over the living room. Sometimes on the piano stool, sometimes on the sofa and sometimes on the piano chair in the photo.
    One time put up a thread on how to make a simple bolster pillow. If you like to make pillows do a search.

    The two pillows with the tapestry (the Spanish dancer and the white Gardenia) first I made the pillows, then hand sewed the tapestry on... then hand sewed on the trim. Then stuffed them...On both these pillows I used the brown velour -- that we used to upholstered the brown chair with in the LR.
    I bought so much of it, I could make even more pillows with it. None of these pillows are washable. In the LR they get no wear and tear. In the family room, (on the sofa)when they get worn or dirty I make new ones.

    Ebay has quite a few dog needlepoint tapestries. I have the sweetest little nedlepont pillow from Ebay, that I just added fringe to and it's just precious.
    The hand made needlepoint is expensive as compared to the printed tapestries, however they are wonderful.
    I love them.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I have got into lamps so I love this post.




  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    jeannine, How did you make the candle sleeve?

    It was super easy! I sort of explained it on Mrs. Limestone's blog and on another message board, but I think you have to register to see that thread, so here are "play-by-play" pictures of what I did.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh I see jeanine, you covered your existing sleeve.
    My problem is I broke my plastic sleeve. I need to make a plastic sleeve. I only need one, and it's a little fatter than a regular sleeve. Any body with any ideas on what to use to make a stiff sleeve that can be rolled and glued?
    I was thinking of painting it gold or I can cover it with gold paper.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm happy, happy, thanks jeannine. :)
    I went back to the link you provided, and a light bulb went off.
    I took an advertising flyer, (heavy coated card stock)
    cut it to size, glued it together, punched a hole for the key switch, sprayed it gold and slipped it on.
    This lamp is special to me as it was my Dad's lamp. I can't believe it took me so many months to come up with how to do it! It's on top of our tv cabinet, and I look at it every day, and every day it bothered me to see the exposed wires.
    Thanks agian!

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    cliff and joann - What a precious lamp!

    koidom - I love your dog and oriental lamp.

    Reminds me that I have an old lamp (belonging to my grandmother) in a box full old things in my basement. It's not Oriental, but it is an antique. Actually, I cannot remember exactly what it looks like. Could be that my grandmother painted the lamp. If am not too lazy to run down and go through the box, I'll photograph it and post on here.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Just had to post this one it always makes me laugh.