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A new twist on wedding gifts

11 years ago

The gift thread and the one on weddings got me thinking and some thoughts came to me about all the expectations with the average cost to the attendees and suggestions that people essentially "pay" for their (airline caliber) "meal" and such.

OK, now how about another view? When I buy a muffler with a lifetime guarantee I get a replacement or refund if it fails, right?. If the TV, car battery or tire fails in "x" number of years, miles or whatever represented, I get a refund or replacement. The same should apply to weddings. When couples get divorced, perhaps they should be expected to refund some or all of the payment, like wedding gift and dress/tux costs. Maybe deduct the value of the "happy meal" if need be or it could possibly be pro-rated a bit as with some things. A 5 year guarantee battery might give a full refund up to 2 years, and pro-rated after that. After all, the couple represented (and I paid for) "till death" so if there's no death, I didn't get what I paid for so I want at least some of my money back. Or in the alternative put them in the coliseum and fight to the death. That could be like the alternative of a refund "or replacement" on a product warranty. A divorce in 5 (or ten, or whatever) years or less should require 100% refunds to everyone. (I wonder if "ax Gary" has a lawyer to file a class action suit for this...) Maybe that could cut the divorce rate a bit. Then everyone can still go through the line, shake their hands and wish them "good luck!" with even more meaning! Or here's another option - wait with the wedding gift to see if it'll last. Give them 20% after 5 years, and pro-rate the rest.

This would be generous and honest at the same time. Take gift giving "out of its dark little cave and into the light". In the future, all gift giving could be done this way. Not totally unlike some my thoughts on tipping as demonstrated by Dick Solomon.

To quote Dr. Frankenstein (that's FRONK en Steen): IT... COULD... WORK!

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