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A new puppy and pet insurance

10 years ago

Yes, we have a new baby in the house. After losing my Dilly, the house and my heart was feeling lost. I missed him so much I started looking on the rescue sights.

Dilly was a Maltese/Lhasa mix but I found nothing until two weeks ago when I saw a listing for three 8 week old Maltese/ Shih Zhu mix puppies at the Anticruelty web site. So, on March 29th I called and all were still available. I rushed in and in the half hour it took to get there, one boy was already adopted but the girl and boy were not. both were in a viewing room with another family but we were urge to ask to see at least one. The little girl was the liveliest, so I ask to see her and she came home with me.

We have named her Emma Belle, as she started her life in a Nashville kill shelter and was transferred to Chicago. What a love bug! She weighs all of 4 pounds and is white with black on the ears, rump and tail. Housebreaking is going ok and my house is a toy/chewy land. She makes us laugh and smile. I have linked my FB page if you would like to see her. It has been so long since I posted a photo here, I have forgotten how to do it.

Does anyone here use pet insurance? If so , which one? After the expenses of Dilly's care (which I gladly spent) it might be a good idea for Emma.

Here is a link that might be useful: Emma Belle

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