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Popular Current Phrases

15 years ago

I am so tired of the current phrase

"thrown (someone) under the bus"

I'm hearing it in political talk, on TV and radio.

Why is that phrase so popular now?

Remember the phrase

"he has gravitas" from some years ago. Who concocts these, anyway?

Comments (33)

  • casey_nfld
    15 years ago

    Well I must be out of the loop because I haven't heard either of those phrases!

  • jannie
    15 years ago

    During the political campaigns I heard the word "vetted" a lot. as in, Hillary had been vetted over and over when she was first lady.

  • phyllis__mn
    15 years ago

    I haven't heard those specific ones, either, but do get tired of the phrases that get used over and over.

  • minnie_tx
    15 years ago

    "thrown (someone) under the bus" I take it to mean somone has used someone else -a relative committee member etc) for political purposes and when they don't get the attention anymore or are not useful they are then ignored or not mentioned or helped -as the cse might be-anymore

  • jemdandy
    15 years ago

    The teacher was explaining that it was poor grammar to use double negatives, especially when it just plain wrong. She gave the example, "I do not got no stuff.", and voice from the back of the room sings out, "Yeah; Right."

    The use of "Bad" meaning "Good" irks me.
    Example: "As a break dancer, he's BAD."

  • susan_on
    15 years ago

    "Sick". Kids are saying that as a description of something good. If, for example they went to a good party, they say "it was really sick". I can't stand that.

  • alisande
    15 years ago

    I'm another one who hasn't heard either of those.

  • bigack
    15 years ago

    Think outside the box" really bugs me!

  • vicki_lv
    15 years ago

    "My bad!" Oh my heck...that one is my pick of the moment.

  • naughtykitty
    15 years ago

    I really hate "thrown under the bus". I hear that in a lot of reality TV these days and it usually isn't used correctly.

    The new way to say something is cool is to say it's "the business". So strange.

  • petaloid
    15 years ago

    "Thrown under the bus" is a frightening image that makes me cringe a bit.

    I hear the following three words too often:

    "Whatever "(sounds dismissive and disrespectful).

    "Basically" (if said in every sentence it loses impact).

    "Perfect "(maybe I'll get used to that one, but "okay" and "good" were "fine" with me).

  • cynic
    15 years ago

    I've heard the thrown under a bus thing but not all that much. Don't recall hearing gravitas though. That one wouldn't bother me at all, actually the bus thing doesn't bother me either.

    One of my pet peeves is an older one. "Due to the fact that..." and followed by total fiction. And it's usually not kids saying this either! Basically is another one so misused and again more by older folks.

    "Think outside the box" rates right up there with "push the envelope AWN-velope" and of course after a 20 minute dissertation ending with "long story short...". These annoy me. Then again, so many cliches bother me. Just say it, would ya people? Cliches are great at times but like perfume, too much is bad.

    Most any popular phrase on "Springer" or "Maury" is probably an irritant to my ears as is anyone over about 20 trying to be a teenager again with something like "I like you..... NOT!" Every time I see someone posting this I just can't help but think they're probably 300# wearing spandex and unmatched flipflops (as is the current name for them these days) with a hairdo from the 50s and an incomplete dye job.

  • boxiebabe
    15 years ago

    I have 3 actually.
    First - is calling a Realtor a RealAtur. Even the shows on HGTV or TLC have people doing this.
    But as far as popular things people saying......
    I *hate* being called "Dude". I am not a dude!
    I also do not like it when women call each other B*tches.
    Like, "let's go, B*tches". It's not used in a way that is meant to be offensive - yet almost as a term of endearment, like saying "Let's go, friends".
    Can't stand it. It's SO rude.

  • bunny_lover
    15 years ago

    My Bad, I HATE IT! My bad what? My bad grammar maybe?

  • auntnete
    15 years ago

    "You know" that drives me crazy! No, if 'I knew' you would not be telling me again! And to repeat it 20 times in a sentence...grrrr

    'My bad' is another one that irks me.

  • kathi_mdgd
    15 years ago

    Randy on American calling everyone DAWG.I want to slap him everytime he says it!!

    MY bad
    Amazing,seems everything is amazing these days.
    Always hated hearing people say "like ya know" like after every other word.
    I know there's more but my brain is in a fog right now.LOL

  • sue_va
    15 years ago

    I guess I listen to the news a lot, because all of those words have been used in the news over and over.

    Gravitas, vetted... mostly during the past election and are old and weary now.

    Under the bus is more current, and self-explanatory.

    "Out of the box" is getting whiskers now, and "On the same plate" has sneaked in.

    I don't watch AI a lot and don't recall hearing Randy call any one DAWG, but when he calls the guys BABY that irks me.

    A word that I am hearing more often is used when someone asks a reporter to explain something and he replies, "Absolutely."

    "Amazing" is applied to the most mundane things that is meaningless. What really qualifies to being Amazing?

    "Talented" is another one. Anyone who can draw two straight lines, is described as being Talented.

    We are all lemmings; well some of us are.


  • stephanie_in_ga
    15 years ago

    Serious ones, I can't stand the labels the school/educators give kids. I especially don't like "gifted" even though one of my own kids has been labeled so based on "the tests." They are all gifted, they just need the opportunity to find out what their gift is. The kids without the official label are no less gifted. Labels bug me, I'll just stop there before I get carried away.

    On the lighter side, there is a popular phrased used by tweens and teens to agree with whatever someone else just said. "I know, right?" Said more like a question, but the gist of it is "That is so true!" I hear it so much, including from my own kids, that I started saying it to be annoying to the same kids. They say "It's so hot!" I say "I know, right?" Or they say "I am so bored." I say "I know, right?" It annoys my kids very much when I say it. So I work it in as much as possible.

    I know, right?

  • acey
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    Oh yeah, I forgot about the "absolutely" and the "me bad", which to me is something a small child would say when, being just old enough to understand some moral values, had pulled the tail of the family pet!

  • oldrustybucket
    15 years ago

    Guess I'm not such an "old stick in the mud".... "my bad" really grates on my nerves. and it would seem I'm not the only one :^) oh darn it....just "throw me under the bus..."

  • linda_in_iowa
    15 years ago

    I don't care for the "wrap by head around" or "wrap my brain around". I also don't like being called "guys" as in "hi guys" when the person is speaking to some women.

  • molly109
    15 years ago

    A lot of these do me in. But, I am really getting
    tired of "It is what it is". Of course, it is!! LOL

    I have a neighbor who says it after every thing he
    says, it seems. I feel like saying, "you mean, as
    opposed to 'it isn't what it is?"

  • casey_nfld
    15 years ago

    "My bad" really annoys me as well. Another I don't like (have never heard it spoken but have seen it written in the forums a lot), "Oh Snap".....what in the world does that mean and where did it come from? It just sounds so bizarre to me.

  • Chemocurl zn5b/6a Indiana
    15 years ago

    I am like annoyed by like the use of like for like about every other word in a sentence.

    It seems to be fading a bit, though the more stupid folks still seem to be using it. Possibly they are not really stupid, but just sound that way to me.

    (the other) Sue

  • nicole_ont
    15 years ago

    I'm one of the "stupid folks" who use "like" often and inappropriately (I'm not offended - just being silly).

    I've done it since I was a kid (grade 6-ish, probably) and that's how all the kids were talking. Ironically, English was always my best subject in school. Both of my parents were English teachers, so they sure didn't appreciate hearing it. It still makes my mom cringe.

    I hate that I say it and have tried to break myself of the bad habit, but to no avail. The worst part is that Sophie is starting to do it now. She was just telling me about a boy in one of her classes and she said, "He's like, 6 or 7 years old...."

    I'm actually like, relatively intelligent.

  • chisue
    15 years ago

    In Illinois we're hearing about 'the bus' in another sense. In a corruption trial the person involved who opts to cooperate and be a prosecution witness is said to have been 'first on the bus'. (He gets the best 'seat', i.e. a suspended or lesser sentence.)

    'Exactly!' is tiring as a repeated response indicating the speaker agrees with you 100%.

    I'm *really* tired of Wolf Blitzer's "Situation Room" on CNN. Well, I'm really tired of 'news' 24/7. There isn't enough new news in the universe, so we have this tidal wave of old 'news' hyped endlessly.

    Is anyone else sick of radio stations that report on traffic every ten minutes? Just tell me where the troubles are, and possibly what alternates are available. I don't need to hear about every highway where traffic is normal.

  • lyndy_pa
    15 years ago

    I don't see anything wrong with any of these phrases. I don't understand "my bad" though. But I use some of these, like "perfect" and "dude" sometimes.

  • Zipper_TX
    15 years ago

    I think it's people who think they are smart ;o)

    Truthfully it sounds more like catch words or phrases that individuals are used to using in their own everyday life.

    I've started transcribing again, and I'm really tired of:

    & Particularly

    Oh and uh and er are the two stuttering words that need to be left out of peoples sentences

    Zipper who is taking a break to basically get over the initiative to say the word particularly every er uh three words ;o)

  • jennmonkey
    15 years ago

    LOL @ Nicole...I have to catch myself from saying it too. My sister is one of the smartest people I know, and she says "like" constantly. It's hard to break a habit. :)

  • silversword
    15 years ago

    ach! Stephanie, that's the one for me. "I know, right?" If you know, why are you asking me for validation? How would I know if you know? The first time I heard this I actually shook my head, like a dog trying to get water out of my ear. Huh? What?

  • chisue
    15 years ago

    There's an ad for a grocery store that I see on this forum. (Meijer is the name.) It says the store's prices are 'WHACK'. Huh?

    The only thing close that comes to my mind is 'smack', and I don't think they'd advertise it if they sold that!

  • samkaren
    15 years ago

    One's that irk me...

    "No Way"!!!

    "Are You For Real"?

    "Don't be HateIn"

    "Give Him/Her some Love"

    "Single Parent"...what ever happened to "Parents Without Partners"?

    "We have a connection" - "Awesome" and "Amazing" (From the Bachelor Show)




    "Hey Girlfriend"

    your resident DJ

  • bluhannah
    15 years ago

    I really hate it when anyone begins a conversation by saying, "Hey listen" chances are if I'm looking at you....I'm listening too!