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scott- getting back to u with chemicals

13 years ago

I am pretty sure it was alkalinity, when I went to the pool store it was at 150, he ( someone from Jayson company) said to do 3 tests with drops, first was chlorine(would be 0 right now no chlorine till friday-3 days after plaster-is that okay? then he said do ph, that was 7.2-okay, then I did alkalinity I had to keep adding drops till it turned light yellow-clear and times by 10, it took 24 drops, sound right? i am going out to test right now, I know I will have to add ph down, how much should I add, they said start slow 1 pound, and no more than 3 pounds( don't know what the pounds mean, have to look at bottle, pool is approx 15,000-18,0000 gall. Please help! don't want to ruin anything, from what I saw he put in another stain and scale remover( idid one after fill) I think he might of put Les iron? don't know what the other one was, I thought I saw something that said something about chlorine and the sun, something where it will make the sun not absorb it? I will call and find out what they put, whatevere it was pool turned cloudy and ugly color right away! thanks, sorry so long! Michelle- if your in the area working on the other pool, I will give u my address-please stop by, any advise would be great!!

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