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Today at church ...

12 years ago

... six young folks were received as communicnt members.

Each had fashioned a goblet, that was sitting on the communion table with juice, and each with a friend carrying a plate with the bread, went to a corner of the church, and balcony, and we visited them for communion.

The goblet at my station was a bit rough-hewn, not symmetrical, and painted in variegated colours: quite attractive, I thought.

I thought that was a meaningful and thoughtful approach.

At the other church ... where I went for coffee, the people serving at the social hour after church had placed a sign, "Drat Beer" (dratted keyboard - that was supposed to be "DRAFT"!) on the tea urn, and "Whisky" on the coffee urn (with "April Fool" in small letters at the bottom).

And that in a bit of a straight-laced Protestant congregation ... that is somewhat more contemporary than many.

ole joyful

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