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Another Day of Busy

As you know my day started with a surprise. So I made another batch of soap and it is setting up. I baked a lemon glazed cake to have for lunch after church tomorrow and two kinds of cookies, chocolate chip and white chocolate macadamia ones. For dessert around here I made a cinnamon swirl cake and put coconut pecan icing on it. I also have made a big pot of chili soup and to have for the next cook out some "copycat" Big Mac sauce. One load of laundry is washed and dried and have another to take care of. Izzi and I drove the big rig to the mail box and then out back to check on the garden. I saw a few deer tracks, but no new coyote ones. The weather here in central Indiana today is a bit on the cool side, only 50 right now. We did have some rain last night and that is good for crops and gardens. How is everyone's weather where they are and what are you doing today?


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