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difference between greywater and septic?

12 years ago

Let me start by saying that I have never lived in a house with septic and a drainfield, but I had spent much time in a travel trailer. So I do understand the difference between fresh, grey and black water.

We are building a new house in an area without municiple sewer and without specific regulations regarding sewage treatment. So I am trying to do what's "right" rather than relying on local code.

In researching septic systems, I see that they all rely on a drainfield to handle liquid effluent. Drainfields can even be placed under the lawn where the kids play.

Home owners also spend energy and money to create grey water filtering systems in the hopes of safely using the grey water for irrigation. Isn't this exactly what the septic system does??

So my question is: If I am already installing a septic system, is there any point thinking about separate grey water plumbing and handling? Or should i just make sure that I have a properly designed drainfield?

Items that stand out from my research are:

1) extra filter on outflow from septic to make sure drainfield piping does not get clogged with solids

2) Closely spaced drainfiled irrigation to extend capacity and to avoid stripe effect of well irrigated and less irrigated grass

3) only plant grass over drainfield, nothing with roots that would seek out and invade the piping

Is that anything else that I need to consider before irrigating my entire back lawn with septic effluent? Or am I way off the mark?



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