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How long for antibiotics to kick in?

17 years ago

Hi Everyone,

A little background: My cat Monkey is about a year and a half old, he's normally extremely friendly and annoyingly affectionate (the type that will headbutt you for hours on end until he gets petted enough!), purrs like a motorboat, very vocal, extremely playful, not afraid of anything or anyone, even plays with his toys at the vet. He's great and I love him to death.

We moved across the state last weekend. It consisted of putting him and his brother in a large crate with food, water and a litter box for the day while the movers moved our furniture. Then we went for a 4 hour drive across the state (Monkey does NOT like cars) where we spent the night in a hotel. Then to a new place where he was locked up in a bedroom while the movers moved everything in.

While locked in the room, my brother put him on a shelf about 6 feet high that flipped over, throwing Monkey on the ground and the shelf and misc. objects on it may have landed on him (I'm not sure, it happened so quickly). He was terrified for like an hour which isn't like him. He wouldn't get near anyone and huddled in the corner. He seems ok, not limping or anything. It was probably the accident combined with so much stress that bothered him.

I noticed at the hotel that he seemed really warm in his ears, and I could feel the heat of his paws through my clothes. My family thought I was nuts, that it was just stress, but he was much warmer than usual for about 3 days. I took him into the vet (he had no fever) who looked at him and tested stuff in his ear and said he had an ear infection (lots of bacteria and some yeast) and the beginnings of a URI that may have been triggered by all the stress over the weekend.

This was on Tuesday morning, and she prescribed 25 mg of Zeniquin to give once a day, plus Chlorpheniramine for congestion. I also have medicine to put in his ears, Panolog, that I put in once a day. I also have OtiRinse ear cleaner. I clean his ears out every other day.

Here's my question: He's now had 4 of the antibiotic pills, and he's still very lethargic. He doesn't want to be petted much, he doesn't purr very much, his eyes are very bright and he's just not himself. He seems to be eating fine, and drinking. His ears are no longer hot...they're actually quite cool. I thought antibiotics usually kicked in between 24-48 hours? Shouldn't he be feeling better by now? Is this a strong dose of antibiotics? He's nearly 14 pounds so he's a big cat. He's only ever been on Clavamox and Baytril, last year.

Am I overreacting? He's supposed to take the antibiotics for 10 days, but if it's not working, I want to get him something stronger. I understand that some of his behavior may be adjusting to the new house, but like I said earlier, he's normally so cheerful in any situation, and he LOVES new places...he can't get enough of life.

Any advise? Thanks.

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