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Poop eater

12 years ago

The rescued standard Dachshund I've had for 20 months now has one very disgusting habit. He eats poop. Besides being revolting, I'm worried about illness. This is only the fourth dog I've ever had and none of the other three ever did this. When we walk of course I pick up after him and the other dog, but if there is a piece of poop someone didn't remove, he scarfs it down before I can even react although I pull him away from the rest of it. In the doggie park, people are pretty good about picking up. There are heavy green poop bags everywhere, but today way over at the fence I noticed him sniffing and by the time I got there, he had eaten a piece. YUCK! Why? He is fed twice a day and receives a little good human food too like broccoli, green beans, asparagus, sweet potato. He's slim because I walk him three miles a day ..weighs 24 pounds. He IS a chow hound about any food but I guessing there is nothing which can be done about this. In our house he's only allowed on the first floor because it's an ancient house with four very steep staircases and we don't want back problems to develop. All the regular cat litter boxes are kept in the basement but the very high one on the first floor always interests him and he tries to get cat poop from that. Help!

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