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Problem with Aggressive Goldfish

15 years ago

Hi, everybody. I have two goldfish that I brought in from a water garden to spend the winter indoors. One is a large gold one and the other a smaller calico. Although they get along fine most of the time, every now and then the calico starts harrassing the larger fish, chasing her relentlessly around their ten-gallon tank.

Although I say "her" due to their behavior, I don't really have any idea as to their gender. Usually I take the calico out and put him in a bowl for a day or so. And, by the time I return him to the tank he seems to have calmed down.

I assume this could be some type of mating behavior. But, if so, it's pretty brutal. And I don't need any more goldfish anyway!

From what I've read recently, each goldfish should actually have ten gallons of water to itself, but I don't have the money or space for a 20-gallon tank. And the internal filter keeps this one quite clean and oxygenated anyway. I also change a third of their water once a week, so I don't think it's something in the water!

I have put a 25-watt bulb in the top of the tank lately to help keep the plants growing. It's on for twelve hours a day and probably does heat the water slightly. But, as they were doing this before I got the light, I don't think it can be that.

Any ideas as to how to prevent this behavior? And I have to say that whoever claimed watching goldfish was relaxing obviously didn't know what he was talking about!

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