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Kitchen Remodel Finally Complete....Before and After

10 years ago

My house had a ridiculously small kitchen, and to make things worse, it had the water heater and washing machine setup in it. When I first moved into the house, it was manageable, but after three years of living in it, it began to get out of hand and it was time to remodel!!!

Here's some before pictures of what it looked liked.



This was our dining area... unfortunately also very small.


Expanding wasn't an option for us, so our goal was to make the most of the space that we have. First step was to get rid of the washing machine, water heater, and to knock down the side partition. We also decided to fill in the additional entryway, cause we felt the additional counter and cabinet space was more important.


And now, the final product... What a transformation!!!





And have to throw in a pic of my Never-MT. My installer loved the idea of it and had never heard of it before.


I also had them prewire the house for cabinet led lighting. I haven't finished hooking all of the led strips up yet, but here's a pic of one completed cabinet. I have it hooked up to a dimmer switch so I can adjust the brightness.

During my remodel, my installer got ill and had to delay a week, so I took this opportunity to install wainscot in the dining area and painted it. I love the way it came out.


A lot of the ideas I got from browsing this forum, so I want to thank you all for your ideas and suggestions. Wouldn't have come out the same if it wasn't for this forum and its community.

Here's a listing of some of the items I used:

Granite: Himalaya White
Sink: Blanco Diamond 1-3/4 Undermount Sink in Truffle
Faucet: Delta Addison w/ Touch2O, in Artic Stainless
Appliances: All Kenmore
Cabinet Hardware: Bayport House South Bay Pulls in 3 sizes

This post was edited by Nattygirl6 on Mon, Mar 31, 14 at 18:24

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