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'fostering' kittens

16 years ago

Well, I've had two new additions to my family for the past two weeks and it has been lovely.

Let me start at the beginning. I was baking some bread and my phone rang. I answered it and it was my friend and neighbor who lives in my apartment complex. He is a night manager at a hotel. He said that there were two kittens at his hotel and he didn't know what to do with them. Apparently, there was a box in the parking lot that was sealed with tape. He went to take it to the dumpster and heard movement. He opened it up to find two kittens inside of it! Just kittens, no water, food, or blankets. He said that he couldn't bring them inside the hotel or take them home. He was going to have to call animal control so that they didn't run wild or get run over. Unless he could find someone willing to help out. They had been at the hotel for about a week before he called me.

He invited me to come look at them just to meet them (yeah right!). I flounced to the car and slammed my gearshift into drive before he even finished the sentence. When I got there, he had the kittens in a back office so that they would be around when I arrived. I'm assuming they are sisters (both girls) and they appear to be about 4 or 5 months old. They are very sweet and loving. They purred as soon as I picked them up.

I told him they were amazing, but that I shouldn't take them home with me. My resident cat Jasper threw a fit when I tried to adopt a street cat that I called Jayden several months ago (but he was a boy and intact when I found him). Jayden also destroyed my apartment and giving him up was emotionally traumatic for me. I didn't want to go through that again. My friend put the cats outside and showed me around the hotel for a while. I hadn't seen it since it was renovated so he spent about 30 minutes showing all the changes. When I went to leave both cats were sitting right under the bumper of my car. The parking had about 15 cars in it and they were sitting under mine. I had my friend get them out of the way so I could leave.

I started the car and looked up to see the gray and white cat run across the road. I had a horrible thought about what might happen to two naive kittens on such a busy road and home they came. I scooped them up and put them in my car. I told my friend Kevin that I would keep them until we could find a more suitable home for them. That way they would be safe and out of harm's way. The gray one feel asleep on the passenger set, and the orange one feel asleep in my lap for the 20 minute drive home! I got them spayed and vaccinated at the low cost clinic last week. Now they are ready for adoption, except there's just one problem. I love them! I don't want to give them up. I already paid for the spaying so that I wouldn't have to keep them separate from my cat. I may try to recover that with an adoption fee if someone wants them. Now they are ready to adopt out (or keep). They are all getting along fine. No fights at all between Jasper and the ladies. I think 3 cats is a bit much in a 1 bedroom apartment. Maybe I will put an add out, but I'm really enjoying having these beautiful cats around. Also, I did want a companion cat for Jasper. Now I have two. They may be hard to adopt out because they have to go together if they go. They are very closely bonded to each other.

I haven't thought of names yet. Since I don't know if they are going to be permanent, I am hesitant to name them. They each have very distinct personalities. The orange and white one is my shadow. I was baking brownies to welcome some new neighbors, and she fell asleep on my feet while I was standing in the kitchen! If I'm sitting down, she's on me purring. The gray and white one is a little more independent. She likes go to off in a corner and be by herself, or terrorize Jasper by chasing his tail. She sleeps on the chair while I watch TV. When I go to bed, she likes to be UNDER the covers! What fun!

I've had to remember certain things that I had forgotten before. Like kittens aren't afraid to go in the garbage after chicken bones. Jasper has never done that. I had to train myself to take the trash out every night, full or not. They also like to get in the kitchen sink and drink out of it even with a full bowl water. They have learned fast what it means when I for the water spray bottle. They eat a LOT! Well, enough words (too many actually). I'll finish with pictures :o)

I can't even begin to describe how difficult it is to get a face picture of a squirming active kitten.

So happy she wouldn't even open her eyes!

Nice shot!

Snuggling together:

And, for anyone who's never seen or doesn't remember Jasper:

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