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How wide is your island? And, L shaped?

14 years ago

Oh, DRAT the search engine!! I searched on Island and got no hits. I know that this has been discussed, but how wide is your island? I'm going to have a 6 foot (maybe a tad longer, with overhang on the end) island with seating for 3 on one side, and one on the end. I'm planning an 18 inch overhang to make it 42 inches wide. Is that wide enough for a good workspace and seating? I'd planned 48", but the KD thought that might be too big. Opinions? Since I was wishing for a little more space for the dish drawers, she also suggested making the island a little more "L" shaped on the sink side instead of making the whole thing wider. This might make sense since there's more room on the refrigerator side of the kitchen than there is on the kitchen table end. I'm not sure I like the look. I'm starting to second guess myself. The time is coming when we're going to have to finalize everything, in stone, so that the cabs can be ordered. I've been planning and thinking and dreaming for so long that the thought of actually making a commitment to a specific layout is giving me the willies. I might make THAT particular neurosis a separate post, though. LOL....

Thanks for any and all opinions.

Here's my layout (crossing my fingers on getting the image to post):

Oh, I just realized--the kitchen table will be moved down a bit towards the living room, and will be a tad closer to the wall than shown here. It's also not quite that big. I say that because I want everyone who responded previously to know that I did listen to their advice and am planning to leave about 4 feet of space between the chairs at the table and the chairs at the island, and also not going to be blocking the path to the powder room. :-)


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