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Cat body language. What does your cat do? :0)

9 years ago

I google my cats body language and find articles explaining others must notice their cats "language? Anyone want to tell me one of their cats "sign" language & what it means?

Here's mine:

If his tail is straight up and cat is excited.....excited/happy about getting a kitty treat.

A foot shake of his front paw means "nasty" or disagreeable.

Sitting in a straight poised position with his head hung....means sad. (ie: Like after I refused to turn the sink faucet on so he could get a drink....he had a new pet water fountain and wasn't on board with it yet.)

Slowly closing his eyes blink(winkie wink).....I like you!

Silent mew while looking intently at you....hello!

A long mew.....I need you to come to me.(to turn on the faucet)

Three mews, loud....I caught a bird, mouse or bug....look!

Chattering while looking at birds through a window.....want to go hunt them.

Face hug: He crawls up to me in the morning, puts a paw on either side of my cheeks and purrs with half open eyes.

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