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Could Use Some Good Thoughts and Prayers

Our son in law has been in the hospital since last Sunday. He thought he had pneumonia when he went in. He had had it several weeks before and it didn't seem to really get better. Since being there and lots of tests he has found out his kidneys are failing, he has congestive heart failure, half of his heart is no longer good, his liver is not working well and on top of that he does have diabetes. Today they did a biopsy on belly fat to test to see if there might be some kind of bacteria causing some of his problems, but they doubt it is. He has ten stitches from that. I don't know if they are doing any other testing now or not. He may get to come home on Tuesday but his life is going to be so changed and if he doesn't do as they say he will have no life. He and Terri could really use some good thoughts and prayers. Bill is only 56 years old. Thank you for thinking of them.


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