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Results of our first veggie garden

14 years ago

Well, we picked the last of the heirloom tomatoes early this week. We had our first freeze mid-week. This was our first year trying to grow veggies here in Mystic. The weather cooperated by being considerably warmer than normal. More important though I think was the lack of marine layer. We had day after day of harsh, hot, bright sunshine & way less rain than normal. Coastal New England does not look good in intense sunshine! New England, along the coastal areas, is beautiful with our normal British-esque climate...overcast, frequent rain, temps in the 70s. This year, it was pretty! Our gorgeous, lush fern glens were crispied before July 4. :(

Anyway, the garden results are:

1.) Salad greens - zero; the bunnies had large family-size salads though,

2.) Spinach - 1 small spinach salad worth; the bunny family must have been making spinach brownies all spring? :(

3.) Cabbage - 2 small heads out of 10 plants; I hope those bunnies had bad intestinal problems & we'll at least get some fertilizer!

4.) Finglerling Potatoes - We started eating potatoes mid-July & just finished them last week. They were a red, white, & purple mix. Absolutely delicious. Looked absolutely dreadful planted under our snow fountain cherry tree in the front yard. We got more than one complaint that we were failing to "weed". :( We'll try containers next year.

5.) Cucumbers - we ate 3; DH gave the rest to the neighbors, marina friends, and when they started running as he approached he started taking them to the fire station. We won't plant cukes anymore. We had 3 plants. Do you realize how many cukes come from 3 plants??? Too many, that's how many!

6.) Heirloom tomatoes - SUCCESS! They didn't start ripening until the end of July but we got lots & they were all terrific. We ate them fresh until my mouth broke out in sores, we dehydrated, we roasted & froze, we gave them to marina friends as a bribe to take another cuke, & there's still about 2 dozen in the kitchen. Next year, we will limit ourselves to 6 plants!

7.) Ancho Chilis - hahahaha; we didn't get any but that d@mn bunny got more than he bargained for!!!!

8.) Jalapeno Chilis - I "think" the bunny dug these up in spite for the anchos that he ate?!

9.) Radishes - we got beautiful folliage but not a single radish...just red long roots no larger than a pencil. :(

We shall not fall to defeat. I am, regardless of this rather dismal performance, a master gardener. :( We will try again next year. Of course, next year, the weather will be "normal" again & then the 'maters will fail. Has anybody ever tried scattering chunks of old carrots around their gardens to keep the bunnies away? We have lots of "beach bunnies" here. :) We are, afterall, certified as a "Wildlife Habitat". Well, getting certified sounded like a good idea at the time. :(


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