My neighbors don't like me or my dogs?
11 years ago
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- 11 years agolast modified: 9 years ago
- 11 years agolast modified: 9 years ago
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Newbie and my AV's don't like me!
Comments (3)Hi Lynn, Welcome to the African violet forum. The first thing I would recommend is to stop fertilizing them. Sick plants don't need fertilizer. In fact, it's bad for them. Next I have a question. You say that you keep the plants just a little moist. With the soil moist are the leaves crisp or are they soft? If they are soft and limp with the soil damp, you have real problems. Damp soil and soft leaves usually means root rot and you will need to do something immediately to save your plants. If the soil is damp and the leaves are crisp but still looking bad. It is possible that, even though the plants are in the east window, they could be getting sunburnt. Is the windowsill fairly warm? The solution for that is to obviously put them somewhere else. Rule of thumb is to not give violets direct sunlight between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. The sun is just too hot. I am going to go out on a limb and predict that you have root rot. If that is what it is you need to act fast. Root rot can kill a plant in a matter of days. On the first page of the African violet forum there is a FAQ up around the top of the page. In that FAQ are instructions on what to do in the case of root rot. Do exactly what the instructions tell you to. If there is something in the instructions you don't understand then by all means ask away. It's important that you take care of this problem immediately. One thing that should be added to the FAQ is what kind of soil to use. Most commercial African violet soils are just to dense. And most violets that one purchases are in soil that is too dense. My suggestion is that you go and buy a commercial African violet soil and buy a bag of perlite and mix the two half and half. That will give you a nice porous potting medium to plant your violet in. If you don't think it's either of the two that I described above then you will need to be a little more specific about what it means by "the leaves are just kind of sick looking". Are they turninig brown around the outside? Are they getting spots on the leaves? Anyway, I hope I have either answered your question or steered into in the right direction. Again if you have any more questions don't be shy. Ask away. That's why we are here. Good luck, Larry...See MoreOh No! Neighbor's Dog Likes My Bush
Comments (1)dog urine kills grass due to high nitrogen. I would guess the same to be true for a boxwood. So yes a water flush will work if you get it in time....See MoreMy neighbor doesn't like me feeding the birds!
Comments (68)I used to feed stale bread to the outside birds.My neighbors dad,who lived at the house part time after retiring to Pa,,,told me it was no good for the birds. So for the last 5 years I have bought wild bird seed,..A year or so ago my neighbor told me I needed to stop feeding them as they pooped on his 50 thousand dollar truck.I told him to F off...Months later I got a warning from town saying I can only feed them with a bird feeder,...I got one,,,,Then he told me not to feed them more than once a day.At 63,with a bad hip,I fed them if I happened to see it empty whenever that was.I got a ticket from town saying the food that falls to the ground as they eat,is illegal.,,,How can people be so mean?...See MoreI don't think my stepmom likes me...
Comments (49)I am trying. I will prob. take a break from it today. I have posted enough today. My first step mom had an affair on Dad. She ran up 75,000 in credit card debt. She ended up marring the guy she was messing around with. Dad put a private eye on her and they had photos of her in a hot tub. When his lawyer pulled those puppies out, her jaw dropped. Her lawyer was need to talk in private. And she still got 15,000 bucks. I called it the 15,000 bj. Poor Dad. I don't want to see him get burned again. She was 18 years younger then Dad. Dad was like..I made a mistake, a man and women should not be more then 15 years apart. Then he marries a girl that is like 22 or 23 years younger then him. I was confused!! So I have had two step moms that I have had a tuff time relating too. Things could be worse. I know that. Remember when I told you that she asked me to leave Dad's house on xmas day. She could not put up the xmas tree. It's now April. I was like..why can't she put up the tree. Dad has allways kept a clean house. She told me that she could not walk into the sun room and look at the tree because it reminded me of her. My sis says that is a copout. She has probs, and I am the cause of them? She told her shrink that. I don't buy it. She may have probs, but I am not the cause. But I guess she has to put blame somewhere. Heck, she was the one that asked me to leave the house. She said.." i will kick your ass if I find out that you are telling either family or friends about me." Why, does she have something to hide? Is she paranoid? She is on meds and seeing a shrink. She says that is all because of me. I'm just trying to make sense of it all....See More- 11 years agolast modified: 9 years ago
- 10 years agolast modified: 9 years ago
- 10 years agolast modified: 9 years ago
- 10 years agolast modified: 9 years ago
- 8 years agolast modified: 8 years ago
- 8 years ago
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