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Question about finishing method options for Custom Cabinets

13 years ago

I am planning a kitchen with custom cabinets--a mix of stained and off-white painted. One of the custom cabinet makers I am considering believes that only paint with brush-marks looks authentic. When I think of painted cabinets, what comes to mind is a smooth durable bullet-proof factory finish. (In the purist (brushmarks required) view, I suppose this type of finish would be considered to be crass, tasteless, offensive...Pick one. But to me, it seems practical.)

I have lurked here for awhile, and see many people mentioning certain colors as popular for white cabinets, BM White Dove, Navajo White, etc. I know that there are special paints just for cabinets, however, it seems that even specialty paint, either sprayed or brushed-on would not be as durable as the finishes one sees on pre-manufactured cabinets.

Recently I visited another maker, who finishes his cabinets in his shop. He sprays them, and his painted finishes look like the factory-made painted finishes. He said they are conversion varnish. I thought that conversion varnish was clear, and used only on stained finishes. I am wondering if conversion varnish is applied over paint, or if it is mixed-in, and the pros and cons of using it?

Does anyone have a painted finish using conversion varnish? How is it holding up? Are there any issues like yellowing over time, etc.? How about painted only--either brushed or sprayed--how often do you repaint? With inset doors, do you have to strip the old paint to avoid so much build-up that the doors won't close? What, exactly are the oprions for finishing custom painted cabinets--and is a shop with a paint booth that pre-finishes better than onsite painting? What issues would differentiate the finish achieved by a local shop with a finishing booth from that of a large manufacturer, such as Woodmode? If anyone has anything to share, or links to finishing information, Thanks!

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