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becktheeng looks like I can't take out the whole soffit! (Pics)

15 years ago

Ok, so my grand plan to use my lovely 9' heigh ceilings has run into a major snag....My kitchen has a soffit around the perimeter...see below:

Based on one GCs opinion (I'm having another guy take a look too) I will need to keep the one on the fridge wall (HVAC)and the window wall (Drain lines).

The one on the fridge wall doesn't bother me (and can be both shorter and less deep) and I sort of figured I needed to keep it. The one on the window wall may be able to be less deep (it's currently 25" out from the wall but could be as shallow as about 20") but needs to be about that high (20" drop from the ceiling if I remember correctly).

Here's a view of my new layout:

I'm thinking about leaving the two necessary soffits and getting rid of the one over the pennisula and the one over the cooktop and doorway. The visual issue I'm having is that I would end up with a tall wall(48") of cabinets on the cooktop wall that would be at a 45 degree angle to the shorter (33") 2 cabinets with soffit that is deeper than the cabinets.

The only thing I can think of is to split the tall wall cabinets to be 15" heigh on top of 33" to get some symmetry. Of course my software won't do soffits for part of the room, so I can't quite visualize it well.

Anyone have any helpfull hints. I have a custom cabinet maker, so I can get creative with the cabinets.

Thanks for reading...hoping someone has an idea for me.

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