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Delta Victorian or Rohl/Perrin & Rowe faucet?

16 years ago

Deciding between the more reasonably priced and nice looking Delta Victorian and the high priced Perrin & Rowe bridge faucets.

If you have the Delta Victorian, could you comment on the sturdiness (or flimsiness) of the side spray? One of the big selling points for us on the Rohl/P&R faucets was the sturdy feeling side spray. Every side spray we've had for the past 10 years has been junky, plasticky and leaked in the end (or wouldn't retract). We like having a side spray but just want it to work right for pete's sake! Are you having good luck with your Victorian side spray? Is it metal or plastic? Does it leak?

It's easy to get caught up in the upscale here but we've already upscaled a few things and are likely going to go with soapstone now so I'm trying to keep a sane head about me for the faucet choice. I love the look and sturdy feel of the Rohl/P&R big gooseneck or column bridge, but they're SO expensive ($1000-$1450). For those of you who have gone with the upscale, is it worth it? I noticed that was one thing some folks mentioned as the "if I had it to do over, I could have lived without" item.

Any advice would be appreciated. Either way, I'm gathering I need to look for all brass construction and ceramic washerless valves, right?

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