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Are kids today fatter than when you were a kid?

23 years ago

My DD (age 10 - 5th grade) had a school concert this weekend and I was shocked at the number of truly obese kids who were on stage. At least 1/3 of the kids were either seriously overweight or obese - NOT chubby, big boned, hefty, but downright fat. I remember when I went to school there were always a few fat kids (and some of those were more chubby than fat), but certainly not as many as I saw this weekend.

The thing that startles me is that most kids I know are involved in extracurricular sports activities, and most parents I know feed their kids healthy, so what on earth is causing so many kids to become so fat that they can barely climb the three stairs up to the stage?? Don't parents notice when their young children are getting fat and do something about it? Wouldn't you? Geez, I'd be out there with my kids bicycle riding, hiking, playing basketball all afternoon long if that's what it took.

I know adults (myself included!) who are fighting to stay in shape and lose some weight, but children usually have such high metabolisms, you'd think it's unusual to see really fat kids, but at least at DD's school, this is not the case.

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