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preparedness hint march 2 keeping safe in your home

15 years ago

Please don't ask where I got this from I know my file is dated 2003 Advice is still good


We no longer live in a safe world, and bad guys don't wear a banner that reads, "I'm a bad guy." People often let their guard down when they see someone well dressed, driving a nice car, using proper English and being polite-- and they're not suspicious. But sometimes we need to be suspicious--or at least guarded. The tips below are common-sense rules to apply when at home:

Do not to open the door to strangers. Keep all doors locked whenever possible. Chain latches do not work as a barrier, so use your peephole/window before opening the door. Be suspicious of someone claiming to be making a delivery for something you did not order or using other ruses to get you to open the door. Securing rear doors, sliding glass doors, and garage doors are also important. This gives you the necessary time to phone the police or sound the alarm


 NOTE: Give a spare key to a trusted neighbor instead of hiding a spare key outside in case of a "lock out"!

 Make sure your windows are locked. Especially at ground level, have good locks--and use them! Always keep the window shades closed (at night), especially in the kitchen. Believe it or not, most kitchen windows do not have treatments. Exposed windows can tell the criminal element a lot about how vulnerable you are! What they can't see brings reluctance on their part, and they move on!

 HOME ALONE? Never let it look that way! Use the "camouflage approach" with lights, radio, TV, sound; use the entire house. A television in a dark room "flickers" and gives the appearance of movement in the room, as viewed from the outside.

 Lighting/perimeter. Make sure all porches and other possible entrances are well lit and trim away any bushes or trees that hide doors or windows. Keep ladders, tools, toys and recreational equipment inside when you're not using them.


Despite all of your awareness and precautions, it is possible that you will be assaulted. The best resistance you can use against an attacker is your common sense. Think! Don't panic. The most important element to remember is that you are not trying to fight the attacker, but are attempting to divert the person long enough to get away. Evaluate the situation and always look for a way to escape.

Some women have avoided robbery/sexual assault by talking their way out of it, acting crazy or fighting back. A kick in the groin isn't usually successful because men instinctively protect this area, and you may lose your balance. If you decide to respond physically, remember that your first priority is to get away. Act quickly and derisively to throw the attacker off guard while you escape. Here are some tips:

- Talk to your attacker if you are able to, show sympathy and understanding.

- Try to make the attacker see you as an individual, not as an object.

- If the attacker has a weapon, use your common sense and judgment. Fighting against it could be dangerous. Stay calm, cooperate with the intruder(s). Do not do anything that may upset the attacker. Try to convince the person to put the weapon down.


- Depending on the situation and your assessment of your assailant and yourself, you may assert yourself and fight back if you can do so safely. You may be able to scare, distract or injure the person enough to make your escape.

- Scream "FIRE," "POLICE," or create a disturbance that will attract attention.

- Break away and run toward areas with people.

- Be observant so that you will be able to remember and identify the assailant; however, never look the intruder (s) directly in the eyes. By doing so they may feel you will be able to identify them, thus placing your life in danger.

HAVE A TELEPHONE CODE. . . among family members and close friends. Should your home ever experience a HOME INVASION OR INTRUDER the only lifeline could be your TELEPHONE!


"THE TELEPHONE RINGS"! The intruder will likely tell you not to answer it! Tell them you are expecting a very important call, and the caller knows you're home and if you don't answer, they will suspect something is wrong, and call your neighbor.

Should they allow you to answer, and it is someone who knows about the CODE, get your message across in a natural tone and hope your caller phones the police.

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