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CherryFizz Anne - are you here?

16 years ago

Dear CherryFizz and/or Anne,

I am the old MenoGinger from days of yore! Spike sent me to the teacups and took away my account and all possibility of ever coming here again! All because I had the audacity to ask Spike why some forums paid and some were free and what was the skinny on that! He was a bit like Hugo Chavez I think! He killed off the opposition to his control! LOL

But.. I digress!

I just asked where you were on the Cooking Forum and a few people said you were here!

How are you? Do you even remember me?

I think of you every now and then and have always hoped you had a successful and good life!

I remember when your mother passed away and how you had to pick yourself up by the bootstraps and start marching a whole new life!

Are you here? I hope you are and I really hope you are happy!

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