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Ideas for cinnamon syrup?

15 years ago

My DH loves spicy apple rings, but I can't get them at the grocery store any more, so I found a recipe, and today I tried making them. It's a simple cinnamon syrup made with 2 cups water, 1 cup sugar, and 1 cup red-hot candies--I couldn't find red-hots, so I used "Hot Tamales," which have a gummy center but the same hot cinnamon flavor. After poaching the apple rings, I had about 1-1/2 cups of leftover red cinnamon syrup, which I stuck in the freezer.

I guess I could use the leftover syrup to make more apple rings, or maybe it would be good as a topping for ice cream or French toast. Any other ideas, especially for non-dessert uses?


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