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updated 15 minute jobs list

11 years ago

After soaking, clean the drip pans on the stove
Call someone you love and tell them so
Change the bed
Change the kitchen trash bag
Clean a window
Clean out a drawer
Clean out my email box for 15 mins
Clean the bathroom sink
Clean the cat litter box
Clean the kitchen sink
Clean the toilet
Clear off desk top
Deadhead flowers
Dust a bookcase
Dust a room (depending on what's in the room)
Empty the dishwasher
file papers
Fill one birdfeeder
fold a load of laundry
Go through 1 file folder and toss outdated papers
Go through photo software weed photos you don't want, tag, rate, and describe photos
Go thru the medicine cabinet and weed it out
Hand launder unmentionables
Iron one shirt
Load the dishwasher
Make one lunch
Make up a bank deposit
Make your bed.
Pay a bill online
Plan clothes for tomorrow and set out, along with accessories
quick wipe down of bathroom
Rinse and refill birdbaths
Send a greeting card
Shred receipts
Sort recycling
Squats, Push Ups and Free Weights
Start a load of laundry
Straighten a closet
Stretching to music
Sweep a room (hardwood floors)
sweep the kitchen
sweep/get cobwebs off front porch
Swifter under a bed
Take a walk
Take donation bag/box and put into car

Soak & Scrub out the Wastebaskets
Wash the computer down with alcohol
Sew a button on a shirt
Update the calendar and coordinate with a family member
Clean the glass on a storm door
Scrub & polish the tea kettle
Soak the cutting boards in vinegar then scrub with lemon & salt
Use an egg for a facial and lay down for 15minutes
Water the houseplants
Change the batteries in all the smoke detectors

originally on Organizig the home GW

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