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A ? for those who travel to Europe

12 years ago

I'll be spending 2 weeks in Ireland in May. I was aware that I cannot use my own electrical devices without buying a converter, so I purchased a converter kit that claims it works for a long list of countries, including Ireland. However, once I opened the package and read the manual, it specifically states that flat irons for hair straigtening and blow dryers CANNOT be used with it, as they will likely become damaged.

I went online to find out exactly what I need to purchase, as I need both my blow dryer and flat iron to style my hair when the weather is humid. So far, everything I've found also warns they can't be used for blow dryers or hair straighteners. I'll keep what I purchased as it will work for recharging my camera and DH's razor. But do I actually have to buy a new blow dryer and hair straightener in Ireland?

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