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A child with 'cooties;' sick dog, asthma, basement flooded

12 years ago

I've had an interesting week.

A couple weeks ago a friend and her child stopped by to visit. I put their coats in my bedroom, on the bed, to keep them from tempting Sam. He chews coats, caps, gloves, etc. I digress; dog training is separate issue.

A day later, the friend calls to tell me the child has head lice; she's crawling with them.

I freak out as no post-menopausal woman in the history of women has ever freaked out.

I have never, ever, in my entire life known anyone that had head lice. I have never seen a head lice. I kept my nephew for years and years; I kept my niece every summer. I've never had lice anywhere. My dogs have never even had fleas.

Yes, I know lice are rampant in the schools. I have teacher friends that have told me all about them. It's no longer "the dirty bums" that get cooties. I know it can happen to "normal" people.

I was thinking, "what did the child touch" and started cleaning and then spraying everything with Raid. I stripped the bed, including the mattress cover, the box spring cover, the bedskirt, the lace curtains from the windows and washed everything in super hot water at the laundry mat. (After leaving them outside on the snow in below freezing temps for a few days.)

I sprayed the bedroom. I mopped with bleach. I ran a hot hairdryer all around the mattress seams.

I bleached and sprayed the bath room. Luckily the child had set at the breakfast table, coloring, and had not been on the living room furniture, at all. (I sprayed it anyway.) I bleached and sprayed the breakfast table and chairs. Wood finish be darned. At least she was only upstairs.

She and I watched a few Beatrix Potter videos on the computer. She kept bumping her head against mine while we talked. OH MY GRACIOUS!

I called my hairdresser and made an emergency appointment. I asked him to meet me outside the shop and I explained what and how I'd been exposed.

He fine-combed my hair and examined my scalp then and there. I was bug free. He assured me I was fine, and then colored my hair and, at my request, added some sort of lice pesticide to the color. I wanted him to shave my head but he kept assuring me I was bug-free and had taken all the needed precautions.

Everynight for a week I mixed tea tree oil and olive oil to cover my scalp and hair. I then wrapped my head in saran wrap (we're talking aluring here!) and put on a shower cap to sleep in. Each morning I took the sheets off the bed and washed them in hot water again.

I did not, and do not, have bugs; my house does not have bugs, and my hair and scalp have been lovin' the olive oil.

Still, I feel creepy. My knees itch; my face itches. Wes just walks around singing the "Ain't no bugs on me" flea medicine song.

Then...I survived the basement tiling project, an asthma attack and trip to the emergency clinic, got brave enough to not soak my head in oil last night and woke up this morning to...

A flooded basement.

Apparantly the drains from the kitchen and mudroom clothes washer ties into the drain for the basement work sink and somewhere between them all there is a clog.

I have water, about 6" deep in a pool about 10x12 ft. around the basement sink. Four or five boxes are soaked. I've been slowing weeding out the "storage" stuff and putting what I'm keeping in Rubbermaid containers. These boxes were still "waiting." (Since I had to stop everything and sterilize my home for 10 days.)

At least it wasn't the toilet lines that were involved.

So, I'm waiting for a plumber to make the trek from Grand Forks and life will go on.

Oh, and while I was in the emergency room all evening, Harry ate an entire homemade pecan pie. He loved it. He's been yelping and running for the back door about every two hours ever since. He seems to be much better today. He's only gone out once, and at a normal pace, and I may be able to remove the air freshener from the end of his tail by tonight.

It's not noon yet. I wonder what's next? I don't have cooties; I can handle anything else.

Bring it!

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