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I know I shouldn't, but.......

16 years ago

There is something I've always secretly wanted. I know I should be happy with DH, because he has always been faithful, and provided well for me and our three kids, he just isn't the gift giving type and I'm pretty much used to that after 53 yrs. But I've always wanted one of those pretty heart shaped boxes of chocolates. Actually I don't even care if theres candy inside or not, just love those baxes. (I don't have the chocolate gene) Years ago I got used to not getting anything for valentines day, mothers day or my b'day, and after a number of years, I gave up doing any thing for him on the specdial days, and he didn't seem to notice or care, alto I did get him things from the kids on fathers day and up to a couple years ago, I still made him his b'day pie. I just covet those pretty heart shaped boxes. Oh well, what would I do with one anyways. Happy Valentines day to all my fellow KTers. Dottie

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