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Boxerpups...can you help me find some pictures? :)

13 years ago

Boxerpups- I've been trying to find more pictures of my 'dream kitchen' but I'm not having much luck. When I try to describe my comes out part french country farmhouse, part english cottage, a bit of 'snow white' and ends up with creamy white cabinets, wood floors, lots of plants, sunny blues, greens, yellows, lavenders, pinks, etc.

I would really appreciate some help. I still like the blue and white, but I need more colors. This long winter is getting really tiresome...and being on massive antibiotics for a tooth (that may need a root canal next week) is keeping me on the forums, trying to distract myself from all this. Thanks in advance :)

Comments (23)

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good day LL,

    I honestly am having trouble trying to figure out what
    to post for you. Please forgive me. At one point I remember
    a Craftsman with dark wood and bright greens with red
    accents. I love that kitchen myself. Another time I remember
    a beautiful white kitchen with blue counters lots of creamy
    cabinets and intricate moulding that made me think of
    Snow white's cottage. Below are some I think you might
    like but again this may not be what you want at all.

    I urge you to start clipping your favorites. Oh maybe you
    have already. This can be a great way to collect and
    organize right here on GW. And check out other's clipped
    links. With what I do have, you'll probably recognize many
    of them from previous posts. Maybe the link can help you
    far better than I. Check out House beautiful, HGTV,
    hooked on houses and WillowDecor blog spot. I am always
    wonderfully happy after visiting those places for
    kitchen eye candy. Especially on a snowy day when I am
    not skiing.

    Hope your tooth feels better soon.

    Here are some links...

    Willow Decor blog

    Designsponge blog


    HB Kitchens

    Need cottage kitchen inspiration pictures :)

    I'm in love....but need a suggestion

    White Cabinets for a French Country Kitchen??

    Gardenweb Does Anyone else love French Country?

    kitchen to match this table? :)

    From Harmony and Home

    From Wedyaaan

    From The Kitchen Artist


    KnottingHill Interiors French Kitchen

    HB Kitchens


    Country Woman Magazine ( I know you did not want blue
    but color in French country is often Blue)

    Country Style

    Youvegottaseethis blog

    NOt White but lots of color and definitely French Provincial

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Lavender-- I know what you're looking for, I just can't seem to find it either. Maybe Boxer will be more of a help, but here are some things that might stir your imagination:

    surprisingly, none with wood floors, which I think would look beautiful in all these spaces.

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    Boxerpups, can you help?


    Comments (7)
    Hi Functionfirst, I have a few images, not sure if you are looking at white or wood kitchens. I hope these help. ~boxerpups Celebrity cabinets Leah Richardson SCR Leah Richardson The Meridian co. Dobosenski Kitchens Susan Massey Fieldstone Barefoot floors Bungalow Witch a href="" target="_blank"> Here is a link that might be useful: Should I do any glass uppers? (Katieob GW
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    boxerpups, can you help?


    Comments (13)
    Oh My, I did not even see this post. Please forgive me. Life got busy. Here are a few backsplashes and mosaic style maybe you will find something that inspires you. ~boxerpups KB Design Atlanta Home Magazine Picture 14 Tile Gallery Mural 1000 Granite image 148 Sonoma Medallion Stone Impressions F Stone Impressions B Herbs Haskell Interiors Tile Masteer Atlanta W Tuscany Amber Wine Roses Kitchen Backsplash Ideas Live Learn Invest images Mosaic BackSplash Here is a link that might be useful: Tile by design
    ...See More

    Can you help me find a green like this? Picture enclosed.


    Comments (16)
    If you go to Ellen Kennon's webpage,, she has a paint mentioned in her blog from August that appears similar. It's Akzo's Lime Twist.
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  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    You are so sweet. I posted these exact pictures in a past
    post for LL. That was why I did not re-post them. I figure
    she has been there done that and still searching. I wish I
    had what she wants. When she does find it, it is going
    to be amazing.

    LL's quote "........french country farmhouse, part english cottage, a bit of 'snow white' and ends up with creamy white cabinets, wood floors, lots of plants, sunny blues, greens, yellows, lavenders, pinks, etc. .......I still like the blue and white, but I need more colors....."


  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I love that you are staying true to your kitchen style and can totally relate to the "I know what I want but don't know what I want" mindset. You have come to that point and as BP suggests, clip everything you love and then sort it out.
    I saved a bunch pictures to my personal drive and then printed them at a local drug store (1hr photo downloaded online). I then marked on the back of each picture what I loved, didn't love and also sorted them by theme. I then used an Excel spreadsheet and had columns for each part of the kitchen. Sink: Loved this, don't want that. Countertop love this, don't love that. Appliance garage: don't like tambour, want pocket doors, etc. I just ordered my cabinets this week and now find myself with "nothing" to do...well kitchen planning related, anyway. BTW, we ordered Shiloh inset cabinets, soft white perimeter with an Alder wood, Heritage stained peninsula/work table.

    One of my favorite blogs that BP did post a picture from is Hooked on Houses. There is a section specific to TV/Movies houses that has alot of inspiration.

    When you find it, you will know it. :o)

    Here is a link that might be useful: Hooked on Houses: TV/Movie Houses

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thank you are so sweet! Those pictures are beautiful and exactly what I needed this morning :)

    I think I'm too eclectic! LOL My tastes are somewhere between Boxerpup's first picture, the 'country style' kitchen that looks like Smallbone (?) cabinets, I love the blue and white (especially the hooked on houses one) but I want more colors with it, so it's not so cold. Also, I love a bit of the curves and pastels of the last two 'Snow White' kitchens...for lack of a better term :)

    There are so many beautiful kitchens on the Internet, but I think most of them are relatively new...and some of my style seems to be a little less 'current'. I like marble, but I don't want all marble counters, or wood, or soapstone. They're beautiful, but I need something Very Easy to clean...and durable! I'm not a high maintenance materials kind of gal. If it can't sit with a puddle on it overnight, then it's too much worry and stress for us. Maybe I'm old-fashioned (or uninformed and these counters aren't high maintenance) but I want my kitchen to be functional, low maintenance, and then pretty :)

    I like these cabinets...and the backsplash is a pretty color, but I'd rather have something like that as a Formica countertop.


    I don't want these green walls, but I'd love to find something with vines and maybe a few flowers, for the backsplash tile...and I actually like white backsplash tile.


    I like this style of kitchen....and I think it's a little dated! LOL The arched cabinets are okay, but what I like is the display above the cabinet, the open shelves (would love a plate rack) the glass uppers and the plants, cookbooks, canisters, etc.


    I love curves, but that's true with furniture, too. I have round and oval tables, and even my one rectangular table has curved edges. They're safer around the kids (and us) and they just seem softer.


    I don't like the black and the heavy hood, but I do like the curve to the island...whether it's one level or two.


    Banquettes are so cozy and I really want to have one like this in the dining area, but with more of a french country style, like the second photo.



    These would be perfect on an open shelf or counter...


    I love blue, but I need more shades and other colors. So far, I'm having trouble finding more than one color in a kitchen, unless the cabinets are painted...and I really want a creamy white. Maybe my tastes are too juvenile (LOL) but I'd love to find a bit paler shade of this green...but again, this is all I'm finding under pastel kitchens :)




  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Mom2- Thanks for the link...and the encouragement! :)

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    LL, it seems to me that once you get the bones of your kitchen sorted out, a lot of what you're thinking about would involve the accessories and decor -- plants, canister set, curtains, etc. I think you need to figure out what parts of your kitchen design are the "hardware" that needs building -- such as the Formica countertops and island -- and what is the "software" that would be added afterwards.

    And I think you could save money by having plain white tiles and using washable vinyl decals/stickers with vines/leaves, etc., like the one below.

    I'm not surprised you can't find a picture of your dream kitchen -- it sounds as though you have a very unique vision of a very special kitchen, and it just hasn't been done before, which is a *good* thing!


    Here is a link that might be useful: Vinyl vine decal

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Lavender-- don't give up hope!! Just because you know what you like, doesn't mean anyone else has ever dreamed it up for their kitchen and posted photos of it. Your kitchen will certainly be one-of-a-kind :) That is really what we all want, right??

    Have you decided on that beautiful blue-gray for your island color?? I think that is perfect. Other colors that would work well with that (and are in your inspiration pics) are buttery light yellow, or even ochre (imagine caramel mixed with the light butter color), olive and grass greens, wine-red, or brick-red, and the medium to dark wood tones.
    On another thread of yours someone suggested the new tiles that look like wood floors... you could even use something like that for a backsplash... but I do like white too.

    The look of wood contertops seem to fit with your theme-- maybe on the island... but if durability is an issue than maybe a granite that mimics the look of wood? There are a few really beautiful ones that do. Also, soapstone might be an option... it does scratch and ding a bit (which may or may not work for the look you're after) but it will definately withstand puddles overnight... even if those puddles are red wine or ketchup :)

    Have you seen the fratelli onofri ranges?? They are 36" gas, and quite pretty. However they are also slowly being phased out since they weren't big sellers in the US. If you go to their website and search for dealers in your area, you may be able to find a local vendor that has them discounted. (Most of the places near me are discounting theirs).

    You can see pics on AJMadison's site too, but their prices aren't discounted yet. They've gotten good reviews in the appliance forum. I think one of the colored stoves (even the cream) would look fantastic in this space you've envisioned, and they aren't nearly as expensive as some of the french ranges (they are Italian.)

    Keep dreaming!! :)

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    LL, another idea (or two):

    The Velvet and Linen blog kitchen category (the Velvet and Linen color scheme is pretty beige -- all that Belgian linen lol -- but the style seems right and the colors could easily be "perked up"),

    You might want to see if you can find Brooke's old pink and green kitchen with the Victorian pantry door. Here, I think I found it,

    Also, she has a listing of French design blogs on her blogroll (at left, scroll down), which might give you some ideas.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Becky- Thanks for the link...that's a good idea! I think the only 'hardware' I'm trying to decide on is the perimeter countertops and maybe the backsplash tile. I don't want to be so neutral that it's all white and brown. I'm hoping I can find some pictures that will suddenly make it all 'click' and I'll wonder...why didn't I think of that's SO obvious :)

    Noebee- Nice stoves, but probably a little out of my price range...but one can dream! Puddles are a major issue (LOL) but so is durability. I'm really leaning towards formica, but I'm just trying to find the right color...and some idea for the backsplash. My favorite color is purple, but it's hard to have a purple kitchen and I wouldn't like would be TOO dark. That being said, I love lavender, blues and greens, but I know that will be too cold without some pinks and yellows. Not a big fan of orange, but a soft peach/apricot is really pretty with the other colors.

    Maybe if I show you a few pictures of my garden, it will help. Sounds crazy, I know, but I had the same problem last year, trying to define my garden 'style' and it ended up being kind of french country meets english cottage...sound familiar? :)

    Over on the cottage garden forum, at least, my garden style is considered rather formal and very french (I think it's all the arches) but all my plantings and the way I put them together is very cottage garden. It's all shrub roses, clematis, herbs (including lavender, mints, bee balm) and lots of fruits and vegetables mixed in. I also use lots of coneflowers, daisies, cosmos, stock, columbine and pansies, with sweet woodruff, strawberries, alyssum and violets filling in between the other plants.

    Here's a picture of the front and a few of the fairy garden. It almost looks formal, until you see the plants and accessories :)







    And here's one from last spring, looking from the fairy garden, towards the front...with the two plum trees.


  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Lavender-- the stove on sale should be less that $3K. They are normally about $3400-- which is pricey, but not like an Aga or an ILve. I'll keep looking and thinking. Your kitchen dream intrigues me....

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Lavender L,

    Just when I was giving up with total frustration. I came
    across these amazing kitchen. Not lots of color but sublte
    beauty like your garden. Yes, images of your garden made
    me think more about your space. I am probably totally off
    but at least you can enjoy some more pictures and maybe
    post a few more of your lovely garden.


    the KitchN

    I know you have see this one below

    Attic Magic


    I know, I know not a kitchen but this is a gorgeous
    bathroom with a splash of french provencial charm.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Boxerpups- Those are really lovely pictures! I can't say they're all exactly what I would choose for my specific finishes...but they do create a mood...which I really like :)

    The picture over the tub is beautiful. I like the softer colors, but also the bits of bright accents. These pictures seem more 'curvy' to me...and I like the open storage. It's inviting, making it easy to find things, but not so cluttered, you can't use the counters. Those lamps in the first picture are wonderful. I don't know if I'd choose them for the kitchen, but I'd put them somewhere in the house!

    Here are a few more pictures of the garden...thank you for asking. If I had to try to describe what I want people to 'experience' in the garden, I'd say it's mostly for my nieces and nephews (and me and my husband) but I want it to feel timeless, casually elegant, and welcoming...with a little bit of enchantment :)




    I like the pastel colors in the sunshine, but brighter colors in the shade. Somehow, that seems backwards from normal gardening, but it works for me!


    Here's the plum trees in summer...


    Here's the kitchen garden, in fall and winter...obviously still a work in progress.




    And I had nothing to do with this, as the apple tree has been here for decades...but it's a pretty picture :)


  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Have you seen this quartz from Cambria?? I really like it and thought of you.
    My mother-in-law has blue formica countertops in her in-law apartment that are close to the color or this quartz, and it looks really nice.

    Here is a link that might be useful: greyish-blue cambria countertops

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Boxer, do you have a direct link to the blue and white kitchn pics ... The one with the plate rack and crazy painted ceiling and walls?

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Looking for the blue and whitd kitchen above I found this picture and thought of you - from Housebeautiful

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I know not the colors you want, but I thought this had some pretty details and could be tweaked.

    Here is a link that might be useful: 4th one down

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Lavendar, hope your tooth gets better. I've got one that beginning to make itself feel unwelcome--had forgotten how crummy teeth can make you feel. I suspect that you have seen sufficient images to help you clarify what options are available to you. There is a pursuit of the Ultimate that sometimes blinds us. Your lists show that you know a lot about what you want, including more color than you had originally anticipated.

    That plants are a part of the design is one of the most innovative parts of your list. It may become even more important if you include plant shelves, light, etc in the permanent physical design. (Aren't you redoing a former porch space? Can you plan good spots for plants within it?) I think that a general yellow-dominant pastel palette is a good thing for you and cream-colored or light gold wood trimming. Add the blues, violets, pinks, greens to broaden things. If this were a piece of music, it would be a melody by sopranos and altos, with occasional lower voices dropping down to make a harmonic chord in a major key.

    One of the exciting things that happens in this design and installation process is that stuff happens along the way. If you make some major basic decisions, including best floor plan and what the budget is, many other things will fall into place, sometimes because other options fall by the wayside. Once you know what you can in good conscience even consider, the outliers become noise in the background and you can cover your ears if you have spine enough.

    Room and lighting layout and plumbing and electrical installation are such biggies. Consider these things first before color schemes. Redoing them is almost cost-prohibitive. Paint, fabric, rugs, and small items are add-ins and easily changeable. Light fixtures and non-curtain window coverings are semi-permanent, requiring a force of will and some budget if they are changed. Furniture pieces put you at the mercy of fashion, budget, and availability--they may be easy or hard. Cabs, appliances, floors, and wall tiles are expensive and lock you in or out of other options.

    Is that layout pretty much done or are you still incubating? Make decisions in wise order--layout first--but keep an eye out for an item or two that can be the "killer piece" or "killer feature" that will define your room in the minds of those who have been there. I urge you to try to forget the descriptive labels--DH says the only ones who love pigeonholes are pigeons. Remember it's only a kitchen.

    You noted that curved things attract you. This is an important realization and one that can help you make a distinctive personal space unlike any other out there. I recall your question about round topped windows. I suggest regular angular windows in a dramatic round-topped niche with fabric or custom finish along the curve. You clearly know other ways to include curves--go for it!

    I think it's time for you to venture outside and engage the other side of your brain. Go touch, feel, think in kitchen displays. And go to a florist, a fabric store (the drapery dept), the best tile shop in town, a high-end antique shop, a furniture store, a lighting store, and a cabinet shop. Then go to the builder supply stores and see what they charge for similar stuff. If open house season or Parade of Homes is starting, head out. Keep tabs on your reactions: Where do you find yourself in these places? Are your design declarations (above) still in place?

    THEN you can go find appliances and cabs. Faucets and sinks are a distraction--ignore them until you hone that layout and mark where the permanent stuff goes and where the variable stuff goes. Whether it's light fixtures or kitchen tables and tablecloths, it's not helpful to mentally buy them until you know how much money and space you've got and until you've made/seen a drawing so you can imagine being in the space. And as they say, chance favors the prepared mind, so knowing the plan tells you whether a serendipitous "find" is your best choice.

    We're all looking forward to watching you progress down the kitchen road, but you can only solicit so much advice. Experience is the next step.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    That is such a wise, well-stated and supportive post! I feel it could help many who are embarking on first time major kitchen renos. Not just Lavender Lass. In fact, with a bit of editing only for the purpose of targeting a broader audience, I would even nominate this post for inclusion in the "Read Me First" thread. It's a helpful response to the overall question of "how do I really get started?" and is a nice complement to the Sweeby Test. Nice work!

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago
  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Did you see this thread today?

    Here is a link that might be useful: Timeless kitchen

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Lavender-- Boxer posted this on another thread for cream cabinets, but I thought it was a different tweak on your theme. I really like the blue-ish countertops and the wood tones along with the white. Maybe the white w/ blue could be perimeter, and the island blue could closely relate to the contertop color?

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Noelle- That is a pretty picture! I'm glad you posted it again.

    Pinch me- Thanks for the link...those are some very nice kitchens.

    Florantha- That's a great response! It's really made me think about my space.

    So, after reading all your very kind responses...and beautiful pictures (thanks, especially to Boxerpups) I've decided why I can't find my 'dream' kitchen. It's because I know what I really want, and I've been worried it will be too cold for my space.

    While I have lots of nice light in the kitchen plan, it's mostly over by the banquette and wood stove area. The kitchen itself, only has one small window, with indirect light. So, I thought the smart thing to do, would be to go with soft yellow walls and blue accents. The trouble is, I'm not really liking any of the blues.

    So, I looked again at how much wall is really going to show (with all the cabinets, windows, doorways, wood stove surround, etc. and there's not that much. This has made me rethink my original idea of turquoise/blue walls with creamy white trim and cabinets, 'wood' vinyl floors, and lots of plants...with fabrics and accents in lavender, pink, yellow and other shades of blue.

    So, here are a couple of pictures, showing that type of color (but I'd choose a slightly lighter shade). I think it's a warm blue and I've always loved why not go for it! LOL



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