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Trane/Maytag Systems

17 years ago

I've been reading your forum for a few days now and I've got questions. I'm looking at replacing my ancient heating system with a shiny new heat pump/gas furnace system. I've got quotes for Trane and Maytag units of comparable size/efficiencies. The Trane units are more expensive but the Maytag now has a 12 year parts and labor warranty. I'm looking at everything from a 13SEER r22 system/80% backup gas furnace to a 16 SEER R410A with the 80%. I'm waiting on a reply from the contractor for something in the middle like a 14SEER/80% and would like a price difference on the 90%. There is as much as an $1100 difference in price between the Trane and Maytag. I'd LOVE to hear anyone's thoughts on the Maytag systems. I'm convinced the Trane are probably quality but...I'd like to save some money. I am probably going to stick with the R410A system though...TRYING to be a little "green".


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