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Power surge...AC units dead, expensive fix, help!

11 years ago


My rental home had an issue yesterday. The tenant came home and the garage doors wouldn't open. Several breakers were tripped and one was blown. Alarm system is acting funny. There was a lightening storm in the area while tenant was away.

I went over there and I couldn't see any signs of a lightening strike to the house. All wiring in underground and we are in a neighborhood. No other neighbors are having issues.

The AC guys went there today (I have used them before and they have always been reasonable and trustworthy).

I have 2 units, both Bryant (I forget models #'s and I am not there now. He said 'power surge' for sure. Both control boards for the furnaces and the heat pumps are fried, and both thermostats need replacing. It is all Bryant equiptment, 'top of the line' is what he says. The thermostats are the kind that communicate. If it all gets fixed, there is still a chance the outside condensing unit motors are bad, but he won't know until these circuit boards and thermostats are replaced. Quote of $2300, parts and labor. Special order, 2 days to get.

Does that sound reasonable? What would cause this? Could there be a random 'power surge' or do you think it may have been lightening? I know very little about HVAC, other than I'm going to be out of a lot of money!

Thank for any insight you can provide.

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