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Wood Floor in Kitchen - How do you all do it...

13 years ago

Having a wood floor in the kitchen was one of my biggest dreams, I couldn't wait!!!

Well, we did it, new construction, pre-finished lyptus wood floor throughout (except bathrooms and mudroom), loved it - until we lived in it for a year. The floor does seem to dent (not scratch, but dent) much more easily than we thought it would based on "hardness" ratings, etc.

In most of the rest of the house, its not a big problem, but in the kitchen its basically destroyed. I guess we had a bit of foreshadowing, when the painter moved the fridge forward to paint behind it, the floor was covered with plastic, but not plywood and it left tracks from the fridge wheels before we even moved in. Anyway, anything you drop, leaves a dent - and I admit I am a bit of a klutz, and this is a hardworking kitchen... DH obsesses about the condition of the floor. It makes me sad to see the dents, but I still like the overall look of the wood. The only way DH will be able to sleep at night is going to be if we change it out to tile. Sigh, that's what I hated in my old kitchen.

I guess I'm just looking for sympathy. Thanks for listening.

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