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Knee @ 7 weeks now!!!

9 years ago time flies!

Seems like only a couple weeks ago that I...
* ...howled when trying to move knee-flex past 90deg.!
* ...needed help to put ice-wrap pad around knee.
* ...putting on socks was a chore.
* ...taking a shower was a chore as well!
* ...using the walker next to car-door to get in & out.
* ...needing the "Leg-lift" strap to get into/out of bed, car, and damn-near everything else!!

And now I...
* ...'m stronger than I was b4 in my legs!!
* ...can stretch the new knee waaaaay back with little discomfort.
* ...can do 3 sets of 10reps of 100+ lbs. on seated leg-press, with just the new knee. I could do lots more weight!
* ...have no problem doing sets of 12reps with each leg, to a 1'-high step.

What a journey this has been!!
...and I was so worried about this because...???????


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