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Hypothyroidism + Males.

13 years ago

Hypothyroidism is more common in females, as are all autoimmune diseases, but I am really wondering if I am hypothyroid.

I had an aunt who died of a cerebral blood clot at 36 and they could find no thyroid tissue at autopsy, she had all of the symptoms and somehow went undiagnosed. My mother essentially died of the end stages of an autoimmune disorder so both have shown up in my history.

I have fatigue, depression, intolerance to cold, muscle pain, dry scaly skin,lack of concentration and some of the other metabolic symptoms.

I do not have loss of hair. Apparently men do not experience the rapid weight gain that women do, but I do have creeping weight gain despite relatively low caloric intake and moderate activity. I can't tell if my thyroid is enlarged or not. It feels 'big' to me, but symmetrical an not nodular.

I tend to be a kind of depressive, low energy, person anyway but more like the tortoise of the tortoise and hare...I get things done, steadily. But now, I feel like I could sleep whenever I don't "Have to" be doing something, and I can't concentrate enough to read a book, when I used to have more than one going at a time...I do take an anti-depression/anxiety med that can cause some of these physical symptoms but I am on a low enough dose that I start to withdraw if I miss one, and this feels a bit different than those symptoms.

As a healthcare provider though, I am a very non compliant patient, and I would almost rather be Sure there is something the matter with me before I take time off and schedule an appointment for an exam and lab work. Anybody with personal or family experience?

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