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Ms Hotel Manager's curl yer toes story.....

A month ago we started re-painting bathrooms. The housekeepers here do some maintenence too, so they were the ones doing the prep work and painting. One day they both came laughing down the hall way. I was curious and asked what was going on? She said...look what we found...and had a pair of POOPED on mens underwear.LOL...I said..ummm...where did THAT come from? She said....get this....when they moved the ceiling tile in one of the restrooms it fell on the other ones head!! Some man had crapped his drawers and didnt want the lady in his life to know I guess...and moved the ceiling tile....threw them up..then moved it back@!!! OMG> was NOT fresh..dont know how long it had been up there.....sheeesh...people are weird.

This is just one of many stories in the Hotel biz. Different story every day.

So...what have you done in a HOtel room you didnt want any one else to know?? bwahahaahaha

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