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Was Design Star rigged?

12 years ago

I watched the season finale of Design Star and I think this show was rigged so that Meg would win. BTW the audience was not voting for the winner, it was completely up to HGTV to make that decision.

Here's what I found to be unfair. Meg and Karl each meet with a couple to talk about what their expectations are for the room. The husband tells Karl he likes street art (that's graffiti folks!) while the wife says she wants Tuscan. They look at him with straight faces like this is a common request. That's when I start thinking oh boy these two are actors and this is staged. How many wives do you know would go along with graffiti mixed in with their traditional style?!

Then it's Meg's turn. All the wife says is that she likes Tiffany blue and the husband is hoping for leather. That's it! Nothing bizarre like trying to combine tattoo art with french country.

Clearly Meg had it much easier than Karl. He still pulled it off beautifully, as hard as that must have been to make graffiti work with Tuscan. Why did HGTV pick this couple to begin with, how many clients ask for graffiti decor!

That's why I think this challenge was stacked in Meg's favor and it was predetermined that she would win.

I'll watch the first episode of her show to see what it's like but I doubt I'll become a fan. For one, I find her raspy voice very annoying to listen to. But we'll see, I'm willing to give her a chance.

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