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Cake recipe for lamb & other cake molds?

12 years ago

Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays! I didn't want to hijack the lamb cake thread, so am starting a new one.

I rarely make cakes, but when I do, always make them from scratch. However, DH surprised me with a lamb cake mold (one of the newer ones, not a vintage cast iron version). I've always wanted one but they were never in stock when I was thinking about it.

My neighbor does cake decorating as a hobby and told me that it requires a fairly dense cake, so I should buy a box mix that had pudding in it. I did that and it baked fine, but I can't stand the taste of the cake. I know there's nothing wrong with it, per se, but there's some sort of weird after-taste that I just don't like.

So does anyone have a T&T white/yellow cake recipe that would work with this type of pan? The batter didn't seem any thicker than any other scratch cake I've made, but I'm just not sure what works best with these molded pans.



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