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T.G.I.F. April 9, 2010

rob333 (zone 7b)
14 years ago

Good morning! Raising my cup of decaf to you all. A "not busy" weekend planned. In the past month I've had sciatica, a broken toe, a tick bite that produced a fever and a rash, packed boxes then piled them high in a storage unit all day long for days, and unloaded them at my mom's new house. Whew. I'm only getting my car tags renewed (it'll take 30 minutes, yea, small town Nashville!) and taking my son to 1 baseball game (about 90 minutes). That's it. I'm putting my foot down and just saying no.

I'm resting, relaxing, enjoying the weather, and watching the seedlings grow. There are purple and red beans, a couple of morning glories (not invasive here and I cut the blooms off before they seed), and the really tall sweet peas.

Happy Friday!

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