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So what's your favorite knitting bag look like?

17 years ago

We did this before and it was an interesting posting. And I don't mean the inside of your bag either. Do you have a fancy designer bag or are you toteing around a Seagram's bag like my friend? My own favorite bag(s) of the moment are both second hand...yard sale or thrift shop finds. One is an extremely colorful german bag with a black forest lady and man on the side panels -it contains no pockets but expands wonderfully so you can shovel in just one more double has wide hoop handles for easy carrying. I was attracted to it because we lived in the black forest area of Germany ( where this bag was made ) for eight years....someone bought it and obviously brought it back at some point (probably another military wife at some time). My second is a homemade patchwork affair in browns and creams, the prints attract me and the long shoulder strap handles for looping over your shoulder when transporting. Inside are a couple of pockets for scissors, needles and tape measure. Someone lovingly made this as the workmanship is very good. Soooo now what's your bag (or bags) like? Obviously I needed a break from my own needlework to post this...anyone else need a breather?

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