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need some advice: DD has unid'dintermittent severe abdominal pain

17 years ago

She was down all day with it, in really bad pain every so often, no nausea, no diarrhea, no fever, no nothing...just really bad pain every 10 minutes. We even went to the ER, on our ped's recommendation, and we were sent back home with her with basically no diagnosis, just supposedly eliminating appendicitis (or very very early appendicitis with the decision to send home). I'll not go into details but I'm really unsatisfied with this situation and now I get home I've read that the antiemetic they gave her (the *second*--she barfed up the first) is *contraindicated* in children in her situation, because of the threat of *potentially fatal respiratory depression*. It's in the medical info in BIG CAPITAL LETTERS and they didn't say anything about it at all to us.

Am I going to sleep tonight? nope.

DH is up with her now.

My mom spidey-sense is very very unsettled.

I just needed to say this to moms I "know" and respect.

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