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Colonoscopy prep

16 years ago

Sorry to bring up such a sensitive subject. I am scheduled for a colonoscopy in a few weeks. I have had them before. I had a very large polyp removed, a piece at a time, totalling 12 colonscopies and sigmoidoscopies over a period of 1 1/2 years. I was given the all clear, and then had a follow up colonscopy about a year or two later, and two more had to be removed in the same area. I was planning on having another the next year, and then Katrina hit, and took my mind with it - and I have put it off until now.

My question is this: In the past I always was prescribed Fleet Soda as the prep drink. Never in my life have I tasted anything so ghastly. I gag just thinking about it. So this doctor has prescribed the Go-Litely. He said it's not so bad, and that some of his patients have mixed it with Crystal Lite. I've never had Go-Litely so was wondering what was the best way to mix it, or should I just hold my nose and swallow?

Please let me know what worked best for you. Thanks.

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