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16 years ago

i have to get one soon. Does anyone know what i should expect. Do i need to watct my diet before i get it ,,,just a little nervous.

Comments (48)

  • noocha
    16 years ago

    your dr's office will give you directions to follow in the days leading up to it. My DH is scheduled for one on Monday. No red meat starting yesterday, clear liquids only (I think) starting Sunday morning, nothing but water after midnight Monday morning. and of course, all the pills & liquid stuff starting on Sunday morning at 11. yuck!

  • sheilajoyce_gw
    16 years ago

    I was nervous too. You will have to take powerful laxatives to clean your pipes so they can see everything, so other than not eating so many hours before the test, the laxatives will take care of everything. They put me out for the procedure, so I experienced no discomfort. The worst part is drinking all that laxative the night before the morning procedure. It tasted soooooo salty!

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    Thank you ladies for your answers! I needed that reassurance! I did talk to a nurse in the GI clinic; she was very helpful and kind. She kind of left it up to me - the timing of that second dose. I'm thinking of taking the second dose about 8 hours ahead of when we'll need to leave for the clinic....I know that the current research indicates that the closer to the procedure that the second dose is taken, the better it is, but 4 hours seems too close, maybe...If I do 8 hours, I'll have to get up early, but the peace of mind will be worth it. I am doing the low residue diet starting Monday. My clinic only requires a basic low fiber diet starting tomorrow, but I've heard very good things about the low residue diet as far as helping the process....we live in a small town (metro area is about 3,000), so we only have basic medical care here. I'm going to check out movies from the library to watch on the computer. I don't normally take the time to watch movies, so I'm kind of looking forward to this down time, even if I'll be in the bathroom for much of it!
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    Fit and FOBT have significant amounts of false negative reporting especially in right sided, i.e. The cecum area of the colon. Also sigmoidoscopy can not find proximal polyps either. The reason countries use these methods is that they are cost effective but not as effective in preventing and finding tumours. My DH had a negative FIT two weeks before his colonoscopy that found his cancer. The cost benefit out ways the health benefit in many societies but my DH and many with right sided proximal cancers die because of the use of only FIT, FOBT and sigmoidoscopy. In source poor areas the 3 false negative FIT out of 1000, i.e. the amount of cancers that go undiagnosed until in advanced stages, outweigh the benefits of using colposcopy.!po=8.33333
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    Comments (9)
    Mine was 3 days of restrictions, with the final day being the severe one, just liquids (excluding anything red). I had water and chicken broth. I'd bought apple juice but that stuff was too sweet to drink more than a little. And when it was time to drink that nasty laxative, I didn't add the fake sweetener they provided on the side... why make the taste any worse than it already was? The early restrictions were things like no seeds (tomato, raspberry, that sort of thing). Four years ago so I don't remember the rest. Although I probably never will shake the memory of the night on the throne...
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  • kathy_
    16 years ago

    The prep is the worst part. Your doc will probably say you can have clear liquid type foods. Nothing with red or grape.
    I'll just say this. I will never eat another banana two stick popsickle in my life. Somehow I associate them with all the rumbling and grumbling my stomach did before it exploded out.
    Know what's worse? Not getting the test. Good for you!!

  • grammahony
    16 years ago

    I agree, the prep is the worse part. Without giving TMI (to much info) use some wet wipes instead of toilet paper, while cleaning out. The hiney won't get so sore.

  • deemarie5500
    16 years ago

    I agree with Leslie.

    Good Luck!

  • pattico_gw
    16 years ago

    VASELINE !!!!!!

    That was my secret weapon...

  • frazoo
    16 years ago

    Ditto what the others have said. The prep is the worst part. You should be sedated for the actual procedure, so you won't feel anything or have any recall of the procedure.
    (Note of interest: What sheilajoyce said about drinking the prep and it being so salty. That's why they tell us not to drink the ocean water when stranded in a lifeboat. It's salty and will cause excessive diarrhea resulting in death after days of it. Anyway, I thought that was interesting...LOL)
    And, what Kathy said is very true...not getting the test is the worst! My mom was too timid and embarassed and ended up with colon cancer.

    Good for you...and good luck to you!

  • judy_jay
    16 years ago

    My DH had one a few yrs. ago & will be getting another one in a month or so. He said the same as everyone else, the prep is the worst part. I dread the day my dr. says I have to get one. Yuck-o. But, yes, it's better than cancer that's for sure. Same thing for my mammogram, coming up in a short time.

  • amicus
    16 years ago

    Well DH and I both had one scheduled for the same time. He laughed and said he was going to enjoy himself and pig out on the day before you have to fast. I decided to eat lighter the day before the fast, so it wouldn't seem like going from full to starving. Well, on the day we used the laxative, DH had many many trips to the washroom hehe, as he had to eliminate so much more, whereas I didn't really have to go that often. So that's my only tip, don't FAST until the day you're supposed to, but just maybe eat a bit lighter the day before than you normally do and it won't be that bad at all.

  • alisande
    16 years ago

    When is yours scheduled? I have one lined up for April 22, but if I don't myself a ride to and from the test I may have to reschedule it.

  • lindasewandsew
    16 years ago

    Hi, DH and I had it at the same time. I agree with the others. The stuff you have to drink, in our case, FLEET, is nasty. We drank small amounts straight over several hours, till it was gone. They said that drinking ginger ale after would help with the bad salty taste. Well, now we can't stand the taste of ginger ale either, lol. Definitely, use butt wipes, Vaseline or something to sooth your dry ......

    One thing we did differently was anesthetic. DH wanted to be knocked out, and I wanted the minimum, so wouldn't be out all day. They explained everything they did, and have a tv moniter above, so you can watch. The nurse was there in case more medication was needed. They can knock you out in a few seconds if you change your mind. I would decsribe it as somewhat uncomfortable, not even close to unbearable. It took about 15 minutes. They have to moniter you for a little while after, probably due to any medication you got. When the procedure was over, I was able to get myself dressed and on my feet in just a short time, and able to drive us home a couple of hours later. DH was out of it for the day.

    We packed a lunch. After not eating for a full day, you'll be HUNGRY. They allowed me to go out to my car and eat, then come back in till they released us. Linda

  • alisande
    16 years ago

    They told me to stop taking magnesium for a week or two (I'd have to look up the exact instructions) before the colonoscopy. This is a bit of a worry because if I don't take magnesium my heartbeat tends to get irregular AND the same thing happens if my blood sugar gets when I go too long without eating.

    I have my fingers crossed about this whole thing.

  • DYH
    16 years ago

    I went last year, no problems. That pressured DH into going. :-) We're both glad we went...I don't need another one for 10 years, but DH needs another in 5 years since he had polyps. There is no pain during the procedure. I slept through the whole thing.

    Alisande, I am surprised that you were told to STOP taking magnesium. My doc told me TO TAKE magnesium (more of it makes you go) several days in advance. I take magnesium for mitral valve prolapse.

  • linn_z
    16 years ago

    I had one early last year, had poylps which were removed and have to go back in 5 years. Was asleep during the procedure and there was no pain afterward. I agree with everyone else, the prep part was an annoyance, but nothing bad.

  • hounds_x_two
    16 years ago

    For me, dreading it was the worst part. The prep kept me "busy" but it wasn't crampy and gruesome.

    I'm on the five-year plan because of polyps. I am soooo thankful I had the procedure. Have convinced about 4 friends to quit putting it off. Sure enough, two of them are now on the "five-year plan" as well. Just do it! It can save your life.

  • alisande
    16 years ago

    Wonbyherwits, thank you for mentioning that. I'm going to look into it. I forget what else they told me to stop taking (it's all written down), but the magnesium is what I remember because it alarmed me.

    Linda, I usually take every opportunity to be minimally sedated, as I am sensitive to meds. But years ago I had a sigmoidoscopy without anesthesia, and it was terribly painful. I should have suspected something was up when a nurse was stationed at my head to help me do Lamaze breathing. :-)

  • ruthieg__tx
    16 years ago

    the prep is like the worst stomach flu you have ever'll be running to the john all afternoon but once that is over and done with the rest is a piece of cake and the truth is...I felt like a new person...all clean and ready to start fresh...Don't worry about it...It is a test that saves thousands of lives a year and is so worth sitting around pooping all of one afternoon...

    Sorry if that's too graphic but the truth is that this test is just as important as a mamography and because it involves the digestive system, no one wants to talk about it...

  • socks
    16 years ago

    Do follow all the prep instructions because then the doctor will be able to see well. Prep isn't like the flu at all--you are not sick, just running to the pot a lot.

  • sable_ca
    16 years ago

    I had one a few years ago. The doc gave me partial sedation, said I'd be fine. It was excruciating, as bad as childbirth and I couldn't complete the test. DH also had one with that doc and it was not fun, although not as bad as mine. We have found a new doc, and DH had another one last month. He was completely out, didn't feel a thing and is fine. I have to go in the next month or two. I'd never risk a colonoscopy without total sedation.

    Neither of us found the prep particularly bad, though.

    Don't be afraid. If they put you out, it's a nothing test.

  • lyndy_pa
    16 years ago

    Nothing to it! I've had two and even the prep was not bad. I slept most of the day before, just got up to go to the bathroom and back to sleep and by 9 at night I was asleep. I of course was sedated for the procedure at 8 the next morning. But got right up and went out to breakfast and was busy the rest of the day. No lingering tiredness from the sedation.

  • ladonna
    16 years ago

    Im not scheduled for one, and have never had one, but Im curious, im diabetic, so is it a problem for diabetics, with the fasting?

  • debbyga
    16 years ago

    Isn't there anyone else besides me who is saying "no way, no how!"???

  • frazoo
    16 years ago

    debbyga....Yes, my mother. And, I repeat, she ended up with colon cancer and a permanent colostomy bag. Even when they found the one polyp and removed it and she was supposed to have a follow-up colonoscopy, she wouldn't do it. And she never had another one. Eventually, she couldn't poop and had to go to the doctor after all....and it was too late.
    Then, after having the colostomy done, she had to have radiation treatments. A year or less later, she was flown Flight for Life to a big city hospital where she spent a week in ICU and was hospitalized there for a whole month because she was one whose side effect of the radiation gave her a type of Leukemia. It was treatable with blood platelets and blood transfusions given and IV chemotherapy. She's still living, but in a nursing home. If it had been the type that's not treatable, they would have given her "comfort care" and she would've died soon.
    BTW, the leukemia treatment required a pill that cost $7,000 a month and she took it for a year. Medicare did not pay for it because they said it was experimental. If my Dad had not been willing and able to pay out of pocket for the pills, she would not be alive today.

    A colonoscopy is the cheapest, least embarrassing, least painful way to check for colon cancer and the polyps that are a precursor to having colon cancer.

    I wish everyone would get over there fear and embarassment of having a colonoscopy and just go do it. Doctors and staff do not perceive colonoscopys as anything other than checking the pipes like plumbers, automechanics, etc. do in their jobs. They are only interested in saving your life; they're not looking at your bottom!


  • grammahony
    16 years ago

    Well put Leslie/KS. After having 4 babies, there's nothing of mine I haven't bared before. Like I said earlier, the prep the day before is the worst part of it. And it isn't like the bad flu other than the fact you'll be on the pot, quite a few times, and it won't be solid. But no cramping, or anything. I've had 1 so far. But I'm now not worried about having another. I'm in the 5 year plan too.

  • alisande
    16 years ago

    Debby, I resisted it, but not out of embarrassment. I felt I was at low risk because of my lifestyle and family history, and also felt there must be some risk to having a camera threaded in your colon. (Not exactly what nature intended.) But I've been having digestive symptoms since last summer, and for me that tipped the risk/reward ratio in favor of getting it done.


  • bulldinkie
    16 years ago

    I just had one...Id do it again WHEN THEY CHANGE THE CRAP YOU DRINK>>>I really had a time getting it down.I didnt even realize they were knocking me out I just went,I woke up it was over ,they said get dressed ..It seemed like I was there about 2 minutes.No Problems...

  • kathi_mdgd
    16 years ago

    The first one DH had he had to drink that "Stuff".The 2nd one he had to take 28 pills over the course of the 24 hour period.When i had mine last year,i also took the pills and we had to drink a LOT of clear liquids.

    Believe me,i'll take a colonoscpy any day over a sigmoidoscopy.I had one of those once,and they don't sedate you at all for those.When i got off that table i told my dr ,"you'll never do another one of those on me EVER,and i meant it.After 5 years he told me i needed another one,and i politely reminded him of what i had told him before and flately refused.Told him i'd have a colonoscpy,but not the sigmoidoscopy.So he scheduled the colonoscopy.

  • dorothy_oahu
    16 years ago

    Ladonna, I have had diabetes since I was 12 years old and I had a colonoscopy a few years ago with no problem. I did drink only apple juice and water 2 days before to see if my blood sugar would stay under control and tested my blood sugar a lot both days. I was fine.

    I was told to put lemonade Crystal Light (no red colors) in the drink to make it taste better and it was good. My sister tried that for her second colonoscopy and said that was much easier to swallow. I have seen where some people use a straw and say that is easier, too.

    Keep a blanket handy if you get chills and stay close to the bathroom. Be careful your dog doesn't trip you if they must follow you everywhere you go. LOL

    Get the very softest toilet paper and wipes and some creamy Desitin (it doesn't smell) You WILL need it.

    They put me in a twilight sleep and I didn't feel a thing. It was very relaxing yet I was able to follow directions if they needed me to change position. Of course you need someone to take you home.

    As part of your colonoscopy prep, one week before your procedure, you should not take any aspirin or
    NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen (Motrin®, Advil®) or naproxen (Aleve®, Naprosyn®, Anaprox®, Naprelan®). You should also avoid alcohol during this time.
    If you take Coumadin®, Ticlid®, or Plavix®, you should talk to your cardiologist about stopping these medicines 3-5 days before your colonoscopy.
    Please let your healthcare provider know if you have:

    * Sleep apnea
    * An allergy to latex
    * A pacemaker or internal defibrillator
    * Had a hip replacement or knee replacement in the last year
    * Been taking Sinemet®.

    Finally, if you usually take antibiotics before going to the dentist, or if you have diabetes, be sure to let your healthcare provider know.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Colonoscopy Prep

  • paintingfool
    16 years ago

    VASELINE OR DESITIN for the sore hiney you are going to get from going to the potty so much!!

  • sjerin
    16 years ago

    Dorothy, may I ask you why the doctor needs to know whether a patient is taking Sinemet? My mom takes it for her restless legs and I don't believe she has stopped taking it for a colonoscopy. Just wondering.

  • dorothy_oahu
    16 years ago

    I just listed what was on the link I posted but I have been looking it up on Google.

    A couple of things I found:
    They put me to sleep with a drug similar to Demerol..Cant remember the name..I was briefly in a relaxed state, and was vaguely aware of what they were doing, and it was no big deal..They use the same anestetic drug for an endoscopy, and during the three endoscopies Ive had, my Dr makes damned sure that you are asleep..My Dr is always on time, and they dont administer the anestetic untill my Dr is there, and ready to perform the procedure

    Also..this is important..Demerol has a reaction with Sinemet..It causes hypertension


    Please do alot of research on the med sinemet.. I think you will find it use to be prescribed alot for rls and does really help rls in the beginning..BUT.. it is now known that sinemet in most RLS patients causse augumentation and rebound.. which simply means your rls will start to happen earlier and will become more intense.. so I would NOT take sinemet.. I would find the info about sinemet on the web.. print it and take to your dr.. it seems most Drs are unaware of this happening with sinemet.. I have never taken it ..but I have chatted with many rls'ers who have on the rls chat room.. at and most ALL say NO!!! sinemet..
    hope this is helpful.. one other tip.. there is not any reason for anyone to take any med without first doing research on the web about it.. the info is out there.. so ck it out..
    Personally I take hydrocodone for my rls. and it does wonders.. that is a pain pill.. 7.5/650.. and that is the only med I take for rls. at this time..
    Good luck..

  • alisande
    16 years ago

    Dorothy, the drug Versed is often called "twilight sleep." It's a memory eraser. I don't think anyone is actually asleep or otherwise unconscious for an endoscopy.

    I've had Versed twice and made it clear to my doctor that I did not want it used during my colonoscopy. He assured me that they use a light anesthesia instead.

    Does anyone know when you get the results of a colonoscopy? Do they tell you right after you wake up?

  • sjerin
    16 years ago

    Thanks for the information, Dorothy. My mom has been taking sinemet for the last 20 years or more, along with hydrocodone so she can sleep and mirapex(sp?). She's 87, so at this point, just takes what works at the time. Hers is so bad that she can't manage w/o the drugs, but there are times when they don't seem to work well. It often happens when she travels, and she is coming to visit me for ten days in May so I hope this won't be as much of a problem as it has in the past. I wish she had a computer so she could visit the website you mentioned, but when she is here I'll set her up with it. Thanks, much. Sorry for going off-topic!
    Alisande-- they do tell you what the results are as soon as you wake, though of course if a polyp looks iffy you'll have to wait for the pathology report. But I think most of the time the doctor can tell how a polyp looks.

  • ladonna
    16 years ago

    Thank you Dorothy for the info about the diabetes, and also about Sinemet, im on it also, have been for the last 10 years along with Mirapex.

  • socks
    16 years ago

    You can get the results right away, and pictures too!!

  • minivanmom
    16 years ago

    Prep is definitely the worst part. The actual procedure is nothing. Good for you for getting one. I had one at 45 because of dysfunctional bleeding, never expecting to find anything. The doctor told me I had a fast growing polyp. Dh, who is a doctor, said in 5 years I might have had colon cancer. Glad I had one so "young".

    Good Luck.


  • caflowerluver
    16 years ago

    My Father was diagnosed with colon cancer 20 years ago and had serious surgery with a large section removed. Then 10 years ago my Mom was also diagnosed with pre-cancer polyps. So have been going in about every 3-5 years for one. The test itself is easy. You are knocked out so don't feel a thing. It is the prep part that is hard to take.

    I don't want to set up a negative scenario, but I have tried all the prep stuff and none of it is easy to take. Last time I tried to do it I kept throwing it up. Maybe I was coming down with the flu? So I had to postpone it and I need to reschedule. I am going to try to find a doctor that prescribes the pills. I don't care if I have to take 40-50, it might go down better then the liquid.

    Good luck and hope it turns out well.

  • sjerin
    16 years ago

    I'm on the 5-year plan too, due to parents' histories. I also have the darndest time getting that stuff down and last time only got about half in. I was so worried that the doctor would send me home, but he said it would be fine. Though they do say that it's best to get in as much as possible so that you're clean enough that the doctor can see all. About the pills, a nurse told me they weren't offered (Kaiser) because they didn't do as good of a job, but when I relayed this to the doctor he told me that sure, I can take the pills next time. So I'm going to try it in a year or two.

  • maryanntx
    16 years ago

    I wish I would have had mine earlier. I didn't think I needed one because I was so healthy. They removed one polyp and found a cancerous tumor. I've had chemo, radiation, surgery and now more chemo. Plus my cancer was there long enough to start spreading. So please don't put it off!!!

    The colonoscopy was easy. I don't remember a thing. I couldn't drink the liquid prep stuff. It made me sick, so I took the tablets. I hate to swallow anything, but they weren't bad. So before my surgery I took the tablets again. I would definitely recommend them over the liquid!!!

    Don't worry!

  • sjerin
    16 years ago

    Maryanne, my mom's colon cancer had spread to quite a few lymph nodes, but after chemo she is still cancer-free, six years later. I hope you're recovering well from your surgery.

  • grammahony
    16 years ago

    I added Crystal Lite (Lemon) to the stuff I had to drink. And make sure it is really really cold, if you have to go with the drink stuff.

  • kayjones
    16 years ago

    I added my 'prep' liquid to fruit juice, which helped a lot.

  • alisande
    16 years ago

    Clairdo, when is your colonoscopy? Mine is Tuesday. Unfortunately, my refrigerator is still broken (they ordered a new compressor), so that complicates the prep a bit. But I'm forging ahead . . .

    I hope you've had yours already, and it went well.

  • clairdo2
    Original Author
    16 years ago

    Mine is scheduled for the 30th April. Will let you know how it went. I think the hardest part will be fasting a whole day OUCH !

  • sjerin
    16 years ago

    I once added cranberry juice on someone's advice (hmm, but that was red,) and it was AWFUL. I'd stay away from that one.

  • judiegal6
    16 years ago

    DH sitting on the couch waiting for colonoscopy prep to start working. So cute, he keeps asking for just a little snack? Like, a salad? Nooo, how about a piece of cheese? Nooo, what don't you understand? I has to be clear! So I made him yellow jello for breakfast, green jello for lunch, lots of white cranberry juice and Broth for dinner. Tick tock tick tock. His bathroom is all set with wipes and such. It'll be over and a distant memory tomorrow. His sister died at 52 of colon cancer. His father is terminal now with colon cancer that spead to liver and nodes. It really isn't so bad when you think of the alternative.

  • janemarie5
    15 years ago

    Well, I am spending today prepping for my colonoscopy tomorrow... just drank the fleet in ginger ale. Feeling alittle nauseas. Mine is scheduled for 6:30 a.m. tomorrow.. My mom had colon cancer.. I wanted to tell MaryannTx that my mom also is cancer free after 6 six after having a large tumor removed. She also had chemo/radiation.

    I have been having some digestive issues so although I am only 42 I do not want to wait...

    Will let you all know how it goes. If any of you out there are over 50 or have a family history please don't hesitate to go earlier. My mom was 69 when she was diagnonsed but had been growing for years. If she had started at 50 it would have beeen found..And please trust me that the embarrassment of the test is nothing compared to the hell she went thru that year she was diagnosed....She is still with me at 76 and so thankful for that.

  • JoanMN
    15 years ago

    My DH is having one tomorrow. He is a colon cancer survivor, so he's good about getting them.
    He's on clear liquids today, starts the dulcolax and go-lytely at 4 p.m.