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Feet again. Remember there are no dumb questions!

sammy zone 7 Tulsa
20 years ago

I am still trying to work though the final stages of Plantar Fasciitis

When I wear my athletic shoes, I put a Dr. Scholl's insert in it, and it grabs my socks. I need to wrestle with my socks when I wear the shoes so that my toes are not being compressed. If I get too much sock, then I am walking on wrinkled extra. If I don't get enough, then my toes are pushing my sock, which encourages me to walk flat footed. I wonder if any of you have a trick that you can share.

Also I have some nice "Clarks" shoes that fit well. Actually I bought 3 pairs in different colors. I like them because they are a firm fit. They are sort of a loafer, but come up farther like an athletic shoe, but there are no ties, velcro, etc. Same problem. I wear tights with these. By the time I have slid my foot in place, my hose are too tight. Today I used my husband's shoe horn, and that was a help, but I wonder if you have tricks you like.

I teach school and Mondays and Fridays are jeans days, but we need to look professional. I wear the jeans and athletic shoes with a nice sweater. But of course I want to wear good shoes. On the other days I always wear hose or tights, but wear shoes that are good for my foot, with the proper arch and heel supports. I wear a shoe size 8 1/2. Sometimes I spend too much time in the morning trying to get my shoes to fit right. It is important that I land on my heels and roll my foot to the toes. If I walk flat footed, it hurts the foot condition.

I just may be asking far too much, but I thought I would try.


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